One Size Does Not Fit All

By Robert Hersowitz

For the last two decades, organizations have become used to the idea of operating multi-nationally across borders.

In 2023, Leaders, managers and staff have had to adapt to horizontal and flatter matrixed structures.

Individuals now have solid-line reporting relationships as well as dotted-line relationships across the board. This is officially known as Matrix Management.

With these changes, there are now new challenges, particularly when it comes to influencing others.

The Challenges

  • Since the Pandemic, more companies have adopted the Hybrid work system where people spend 3 days working from home and 2 days in a face-to-face office environment – often influencing has to be done remotely.
  • Individuals have to manage downwards, outwards and upwards, often without formal authority (within the Matrix and outside of it)
  • Individuals now work with teams made up of people from diverse disciplines and cultural backgrounds.
  • Economic pressures and a recessionary economic climate often bring out the worst in leaders. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” (Joseph F Kennedy)

The Solutions 

  • Learn to be more strategic when preparing and planning to influence others
  • Ask questions such as Why, What, How and very importantly Who – before you begin to influence
  • Understand your target audience (individuals or groups) and modify your behaviour accordingly
  • Learn how to influence others assertively – rather than passively or aggressively
  • Learn how to respond and not react
  • Learn how to reach consensus or a workable compromise

All of the above are covered in the Positive Persuading and Influencing Skills course due to be run on the 12th and 14th November

Published on Oct 02, 2023 by Gareth Cartman