IP & Patents Training Course Calendar

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Our IP & Patents calendar for the next 12 months:

Live online Classroom 2024 2025
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
2-day Avoiding Pitfalls in Patent/Know-How Licences and R&D Collaborations Patents 26-27 27-28 8-9
Advanced Drafting Techniques for Successful EPO Patent Applications Patents 24 18
Annual Conference for Senior Patent Administrators IP Administration 26-27
Annual Update for Senior Trade Mark & Design Administrators IP Administration 9-10
Avoiding Pitfalls in Patent/Know-How Licences and R&D Collaborations Patents 28 20 7
Building and Managing a Patent Portfolio to Best Support your Business IP Management 26 4 5 10
Drafting Effective Pharmaceutical Patents Patents 3-6 12-15
Drafting International Intellectual Property Agreements Patents 14 3-4 2-3
Effective Defence of EPO Patent Applications Patents 23 17 18
Formal Requirements of the European Patent System IP Administration 12-15 3-4 14-15
How to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Combined EU/US Patent Applications Patents 6-7 14-15
IP Department Roadmap IP Management 13 16
IP Due Diligence & Freedom to Operate in Practice IP Management 23-24 4 6-7 1
IP and Commercialisation: Creating and Maintaining your IP Portfolio IP Management 14 6 10
Legal Patent Searching IP Management 21 30 26
Litigation-Proofing and Proving your Patent Claims Patents 5 13
Managing Information Flows for IP (Intellectual Property) Purposes: Trade Secrets IP Management 3 13 6
Mastering Risk Management in the Patent Landscape - Freedom to Operate (FTO) IP Management 25 31 17
Navigating the EPO and the European Patent System - Summer School IP Management 14-18
Patent Protection for Software-Related Inventions in Europe and the USA Patents 12-13 5 13-14 2
Patentability IP Management 9 6 19
State of the Art Searching IP Management 8 10 11
Strategic IP Planning IP Management 18-20 19-21
Successfully Conducting Oral Proceedings at the EPO Patents 15 13 9
The Art of European Claim Drafting Patents 7-8 11-12 16-17
The Patent Administrator IP Administration 7 21-22 4 19-20
The Trade Mark Administrator IP Administration 16 2-3 28 2
US Patent Practice Patents 8-11 24-27 10-13