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As a Company Director, your responsibilities and legal obligations are critical - you owe it to yourself and your company to be adequately informed. Improve and update your knowledge in just 6 modules over 6 weeks.
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As a company director, you’re in the firing line.
Your personal exposure is growing all the time. The maze of legislation is getting denser with the implementation of the Companies Act 2006 and incurring penalties is a real possibility. There are now over 200 offences under company law, which can lead to company directors being fined – in serious cases a custodial sentence can result. It’s the shareholders’ liability, which is limited, not the directors’.
Finding the time to stay properly up-to-speed must sometimes seem impossible. However, there is a sensible way to get-to-grips with what you need to know without making life intolerable. Falconbury have designed this course to give you expert, practical guidance on the duties, rights and obligations of this important role – all in just six modules.
1 FLEXIBILITY – learning at a pace and place of your own choosing
2 WELL-DESIGNED programme focused on practical relevance
3 MANAGEABLE weekly instalments and self-aid progress questions
4 NO NEED for time away from the office
5 REDUCED expenditure – no hotel or travel fees
6 ENJOY the flexibility of studying at work, home or on the move
7 ACCESS to professional advisors and authors of the course
This training course is part of our series of Corporate Strategy Training Courses covering the essential skills and best practices for all Company Directors and Company Secretaries, as well as business leaders and entrepreneurs.
As a Director and Secretary of one of the top 250 listed PLCs, for nearly ten years David Martin was responsible for a range of disciplines, including personnel, property and insurance, as well as statutory and legal requirements and corporate/internal communications (three of his annual reports won national awards).
Following a takeover, David founded his own consultancy, Buddenbrook, which has carried out various projects for a range of clients, large and small, for the last 30 years. He has been an employer’s representative on Employment Tribunals.Full Course
Course code 10789
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