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The 2x2 Manager

This book aims to provide a simple but valuable framework the 2-by-2 matrix which can be used by any manager or executive in varied situations in business to resolve such issues and problems.

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Decisions are manifold. At times, applying the right framework can help you think through even the most complex issues and problems. This book aims to provide a simple but valuable framework the 2-by-2 matrix which can be used by any manager or executive in varied situations in business to resolve such issues and problems.

The application of the 2-by-2 matrix is an effective process to facilitate thinking and decision making. A 2-by-2 helps you to organise events, decisions, facts, data, values, tangibles and intangibles in such a way that clarifies, segments, simplifies…and helps to make sense. This book explains what a 2-by-2 matrix is, how it works, and how you can use it in your daily management life.

This training course is part of our collection of Leadership & Management Training Courses which focus on leadership, innovation, strategy, communication, finance, problem solving and conflict management, to name a few key areas.


Critical acclaim for The 2×2 Manager and John Dembitz:

“The 2×2 Manager draws on established management concepts – the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Boston Consulting Group’s Growth-Share analysis, the Johari window – with a host of fresh and contemporary anecdotal case studies. The book is an easy and rewarding read.”
Simon Walker, Director General, Institute of Directors
“We have used 2×2 matrices with John to enormous advantage and in a number of situations and groups in our professional property service business – like Ronseal ‘The 2×2 Manager’ does what it says on the tin – simple and very effective!”
Carl Whayman, Group CEO, Lee Baron Group Ltd
“If you can find a book that will provide you one idea that you can use once, you’ve done well. ‘The 2×2 Manager’ provides a great idea that you can use forever.”
John Neill, Chairman and CEO, Unipart Group of Companies
“John Dembitz has put together a highly valuable and easy-to-understand explanation of 2×2 matrices and their powerful applications. This is an analytical tool that should be utilized much more frequently in the business world; drawing on his own experience and other real-life examples, Dembitz’s book gives managers a clear ‘when, how and why’ to create one and use it to the best effect.”
Nick Shreiber, Chairman, Nick Shreiber & Associates, LLC
“This book should win the KISS award: Keep It Simple, Stupid. A valuable handbook for the business person who is thinking about business strategy and so much more. It will help focus your analytical thinking and allow you to make decisions with more confidence.”
David Tyler, Chairman of J. Sainsbury plc, Chairman of Hammerson plc and a Non-Executive Director of Burberry Group plc

The Author's webcast about the book

Listen to the author’s webcast here.

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Chapter 1: What is a 2×2 Matrix?
Chapter 2: How Can 2×2s Be Used?
Chapter 3: Johari’s Window
Chapter 4: Product/Market Evaluations Matrix
Chapter 5: SWOT Analysis
Chapter 6: Boston Consulting Group’s Growth-Share Matrix
Chapter 7: The Prisoner’s Dilemma
Chapter 8: Summary

John Dembitz
Dembitz & Associates

John Dembitz, has had an eclectic career spanning some 45 years, including being a McKinsey consultant, CEO of professional service organisations, executive director of a merchant bank and a FTSE 100 manufacturing company, and chairman and non-executive director of a diverse range of SMEs, some quoted, some private and some PE backed. He is and has been involved in a number of entrepreneurial ventures and continues to be engaged in a number of consulting assignments. He has an MBA from London Business School, and a B.SC (Hons) from Manchester University.

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