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3-day Drafting Commercial Contracts Training Course

A practical, interactive three-day programme designed to develop your skills to draft clear and concise commercial agreements. This comprehensive two-part programme focuses on delivering practical and applied training in the key drafting skills.

★★★★★ "Mark Weston was a great speaker and teacher - he made all the content very digestible and enjoyable.... more (77)"

24-26 September 2024
+ 12-14 November 2024, 18 March 2025 / 25 March 2025 / 1 April 2025, 17-19 June 2025, 16-18 September 2025, 9-11 December 2025 »

from £1199

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Course overview

Negotiate and draft clear and concise commercial agreements that meet the challenges of today’s commercial environment.

Business is founded on the crystallisation of the terms of a deal and clarity and fair construction are the key to a successful commercial agreement. Without a clear agreement, commercial and legal disputes are likely and unclear agreements are one of the largest causes of costly commercial litigation.

With this in mind, we have developed this modular and comprehensive multi-part programme that focuses on delivering practical and applied training of the key drafting skills needed to create transparent and direct contracts that deliver on a legal and commercial level. Each section of the course builds on the section before.

Part One: Drafting, Structure, Interpretation and Formation of Contracts focuses on developing a robust structure and formation to your contracts and expanding your drafting skills to deliver concise and watertight agreements. It will also explain the fundamentals of how contracts are interpreted.

Part Two: Precise and Careful Drafting looks in more detail at the more complex clauses and how they can be drafted and applied to leverage commercial value and manage legal risk.

Practical interactive learning style

This workshop-style programme has been designed to offer a practical solution to your drafting challenges. Throughout the programme the expert presenter will use a balanced mix of theory, group exercises, discussion, sample clauses and case studies to provide you with a comprehensive portfolio of practical tips and techniques to draft contracts which meet your commercial objectives as well as ensuring that there are no ‘surprises’ further on.

Please note: When attending the online version of this course, participants are required to join with the ability to turn on their cameras. This is an essential requirement in order to fully participate in the training course due to the interactive nature of the programme.

This training course is part of our Commercial Contracts Training Course collection which has been designed for the in-house lawyer.

Benefits of attending

By attending this programme you will:

  • Examine assignment and novation to ensure you are suitably protected in the case of transfer or sale of rights
  • Consider the purpose and effect of typical boilerplate clauses and how you can leverage value for your organisation through clearer drafting
  • Get-to-grips with payments and interest terms to understand how penalties can be applied
  • Expand your knowledge of the risk of drafting a contract without a confidentiality clause
  • Understand the risks that can be created through poor drafting in practical exercises under the guidance of the expert
  • Discuss any disputes or issues you are facing with colleagues from other organisations to gain new ideas and perspectives
  • Understand the pitfalls and pluses to applying an effective standard structure and format to every contract
  • Master practical drafting techniques to write concise and effective agreements
  • Examine special contractual arrangements and letters of intent
  • Learn how to interpret variations and time of essence clauses
  • Clarify the distinction between ‘best endeavours’ and ‘reasonable endeavours’ – essential terminology in commercial contracts
  • Get up-to-date with the use and drafting of contractual warranties and indemnities
  • Understand the effect of exclusion and limitation clauses, and how they can be used to manage your exposure


Who should attend?

This programme has been specifically designed for those who want to enhance their practical drafting skills and who have a knowledge of the law, including:

  • In-house lawyers
  • Private practice lawyers
  • Commercial and contracts directors and managers
  • Procurement personnel
  • Compliance officers
  • Company secretaries

Presenter's firm

Weston Legal is a leading specialist boutique firm specialising in Commercial law, Technology law, Media law, Intellectual Property law, Data law and Regulatory law and practice. From its founding, the firm has always committed to provide a fast and efficient service wherever its clients operate. As its business has grown and diversified, it has recognised the strength and importance of the principles held by its people; putting clients first and operating as one team to realise its goals and share its success. These principles have formed the foundation of its culture and the way its lawyers interact with one another and the firm’s clients. They are what distinguish it and are vital to its future.

To find out more about what Weston Legal can do for you, please contact Mark at westonlegal.ltd or see https://uk.linkedin.com/in/markwestonlegal

Mark also operates as a leading consultant to Hill Dickinson LLP, a leading and award-winning international law firm with offices in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Piraeus, Singapore, Monaco and Hong Kong. As a full service law firm, it delivers advice and strategic guidance spanning the full legal spectrum from non-contentious advisory and transactional work, to all forms of dispute resolution. The firm is on the panel of a number of national and international organisations and regularly competes against many of the City firms. In recent months, they have been able to win a number of panel reviews against City firms.

To find out more out what Mark can do for you via Hill Dickinson, please contact him via www.hilldickinson.com

Enrol or reserve

This course will cover:

Contract interpretation

  • Systems of law
  • Civil law vs common law approaches to drafting
  • Precedent (and some Latin)
  • Interpretation and construction
  • Clarity and ambiguity: Arnold v Britton, Wood v Capita Insurance
  • Ambiguity: Investors Compensation Scheme v West Bromwich
  • Classical contract interpretation (six canons)
  • Modern contract interpretation (ten principles)
  • The effect of Brexit on contract drafting and interpretation
  • Admissible background
  • Private dictionary principles

How do you form a contract? (Part 1)

  • Ingredients to form a contract
    • Classical
    • Offer
    • Acceptance
    • Consideration
    • Battle of the forms
    • Other elements in formation
  • Sui generis formation

How do you form a contract? (Part 2)

  • Distinctions between negotiations and contracts
    • Have you accidentally formed a contract while negotiating?
      • The six steps of Pagnan Freres
      • ‘Subject to contract’
      • ‘Without prejudice’
    • RTS Flexible Systems Ltd v Molkerei Alois Müller

Commercial contract format and structure

  • Splitting form from content
  • Form
    • Law and custom
    • Tone and format
    • Deed or under hand?
    • Drafting techniques
      • Mapping: free drafting (when you have no precedent)
      • Mapping: tied drafting (when you have a starting point)
  • Structures of typical commercial contracts

Ancillary documentation and contracts

  • Drafting for certainty
  • Pre-contract documentation and discussions
    • Tendering
    • Prevention is better than cure
    • Negotiations
    • TLAs
    • NDAs
  • Content of TLAs
  • Agreements to agree
  • Variations

Terms: implied, express and standard (Part 1)

  • Implied terms
    • Three types
    • The 2015 revision
    • Plus 1

Terms: implied, express and standard (Part 2)

  • Express terms
    • Time is of the essence
    • Best endeavours clauses
    • Reasonable endeavours
    • Nuances and efforts
    • The obligation spectrum
  • Meaning of standard terminology
    • Reasonable
    • Substantial
    • Material

Drafting techniques: the easy but not well-known stuff (Part 1)

  • Practical tips

Drafting techniques: the easy but not well-known stuff (Part 2)

  • Differences between ‘shall do’, ‘will do’, ‘endeavour to do’
  • • Understanding WCI and why you cannot draft contracts without them
  • • Differences between warranties, undertakings and representations
  • • Differences between warranties and indemnities

Exclusion and limitation clauses

  • Myths about liability clauses
  • Internationally accepted practice
  • Economic rationale for this area of law
  • The liability protection spectrum
  • Jurisdictional differences
  • Factors affecting liability… or not
  • Negotiating liability clauses: risks and responsibilities
  • The ACE principle
  • Acceptance of risk
  • Capping of risk
  • Exclusion of risk
  • Arguments used by each side when negotiating
  • Drafting a liability clause: tips, tricks and techniques
  • The change in law and practice since 2016
  • Indirect and consequential loss: the changing position since 2017
  • UCTA and CRA

Introduction to boilerplate

  • A functional methodology

Transferring contractual rights and obligations

  • Transferring rights
    • Assignment
    • Novation
    • Other transfers
    • An exercise: in the real world
  • Third-party rights
    • Privity
    • Some history
    • Practical examples
    • The new rules
    • Drafting issues and traps

Welded boilerplate

  • Interpretation
    • Importance
    • Start vs finish
    • Headings and titles
    • Usual interpretation clauses
  • Notice and communications
    • Purpose of a clause
    • Problematic clauses
    • Relevant case law
  • Waiver
    • Purpose
    • Effect
    • Clause
    • How does it work?
    • Variation
    • The remedies addendum
    • The 2018 revision
  • Invalidity and severance
    • Purpose
    • Invalid clauses – and consequences
    • Blue pencil test
    • Repair
    • Clause
    • Bolt-ons
  • Joint and several liability
    • Joint/several/joint and several - differences
    • Purpose
    • Clause
    • Bolt-ons
  • Force majeure
    • Purpose
    • Some history
    • A partisan view of risk
    • What is force majeure?
    • Effect
    • Procedure
    • Clause
    • The court

Interest clauses

  • A clause: charging interest for late payment
  • Penalties and rates of interest
  • Force majeure and payments
  • The importance of waiving rights – or not

Entire agreement clauses

  • Entire agreement clauses
    • Purpose
    • Problem
    • A new purpose
    • The law
    • Drafting a clause
    • Documentary inclusion/exclusion

Governing law, jurisdiction and dispute resolution clauses

  • Governing law
  • Jurisdiction
  • Dispute resolution clauses


Enrol or reserve

Mark Weston
Weston Legal

Mark Weston has run his own law firm, Weston Legal, since 1 January 2024. He is also a consultant at Hill Dickinson LLP where he joined in February 2016 as a partner and Head of its Commercial, TMT & IP Practice. Before that, he was a partner and Head of the Commercial/IP/IT Team at Matthew Arnold & Baldwin LLP and before that, he spent several years at Baker & McKenzie in London and Chicago and has also previously been seconded to Hewlett Packard and other technology businesses. He changed role to become a consultant in Hill Dickinson’s London office in January 2024.

Expertise: Mark’s practice covers both non-contentious and contentious matters in all areas of commercial law, intellectual property law, information technology law, Internet, electronic commerce and on-line services law. He specialises in commercial and Tech issues. Mark is used as a ‘trusted adviser’ by many clients in all sorts of businesses and often acts as ‘private practice in-house counsel’ for many clients. He specialises in tech and internet businesses.

Clients: Just some of Mark’s more well-known clients include Elstree Film Studios, RTL Group S.A., Sykes Cottages, Retailcorp Brands LLC, The Gulf Marketing Group, Moneynetint Limited and the BBC.

Some detail: Mark has extensive experience in advising clients on all manner of commercial matters (such as business planning and solutions, franchising, distribution, agency and marketing) through branding and intellectual property exploitation and licensing, to advice and documentation regarding hardware and software issues (such as development, licensing, maintenance and distribution, SaaS and cloud, Internet transactional solutioning, B2B, B2C and B2G electronic commerce, S-commerce and M-Commerce, social media, outsourcing, facilities management, procurement, IT policies, data protection (privacy), GDPR and freedom of information issues as well as artificial intelligence (AI)). He has a particular expertise in new digital business and revenue streams. He is also experienced in dealing with software disputes and IT litigation. The increasingly extensive media side of his practice relates primarily to publishing (both real world and digital content), to games and gaming platforms (and particularly transmedia technologies), advising companies about their advertising onscreen, online and in print and managing their public communications strategies generally (dealing with the CMA and ASA in the process) – and also a smattering of television, film and music exploitation. Recently he has been very active in AI advice.

More unusual: 

Mark has previously spent several months on secondment to Hewlett Packard and he has also been seconded to assist in the legal problems arising in new technology companies such as Symbian. From 2000 to 2001, Mark was resident in the Chicago office of Baker & McKenzie advising US clients on European and UK aspects of IT and electronic commerce law and practice.

Mark is the author of the Legal Practice Companion, a parallel text book used at several law schools, the editor of the IP and Media Law Companion as well as the rest of the Companion series of books published by Bloomsbury Professional, Tottels, Cavendish Publishing and Oxford University Press. He has noted numerous reports for the IT Law Reports and is widely published in Computing, Computers & Law, Computer Law & Security Report, IT Law Today, Intellectual Property World, Solicitors Journal and many other journals both online and offline. Mark has also authored articles syndicated in the national and trade press and is regularly quoted in national newspapers and is heard on radio as an expert in his fields. Mark is the author of the Business Names on the Internet chapter in the PLC Ecommerce Manual as well as numerous other articles on various Commercial & IT law topics.

Mark lectures regularly on all Commercial, IP and IT law topics, including at the IBC IT ‘Summer School’ Programme in Cambridge, England; the Falconbury and MBL two-day and three-day Commercial Contracts seminars (run several times a year) and IT Contracts seminars (run three times a year) in London; and he has previously lectured at the Annual On-line & Internet Commerce Law Institute seminar in Chicago and tutored at University College London.  He also runs a programme of bespoke training schemes on commercial law, IP law, IT law, AI law and data law as well as soft skills programmes such as negotiation skills and presentation skills.

Finally, you may have seen that Mark likes blogging and writing books, which are available at all good bookshops! He also appears regularly on BBC1 (usually providing advice on-screen to BBC Watchdog) and also on Sky News as a legal commentator, as well as trying to avoid the huge quantity of pink powder the TV make-up girls want to apply to his increasingly receding hairline.

More details

NEW higher discounts for multiple bookings - bring your colleagues to make your training budget go further:

  • 30% off the 2nd delegate*
  • 40% off the 3rd delegate*
  • 50% off the 4th delegate*

Please contact us for pricing if you are interested in booking 5 or more delegates

24-26 September 2024

Live online

09:30-17:15 UK (London) (UTC+01)
10:30-18:15 Paris (UTC+02)
04:30-12:15 New York (UTC-04)
Timings may be different for each day
Course code 13711

  • GBP 1,499
  • EUR 2,149
  • USD 2,449

Limited places remaining

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

12-14 November 2024

Live online

09:30-17:15 UK (London) (UTC+00)
10:30-18:15 Paris (UTC+01)
04:30-12:15 New York (UTC-05)
Timings may be different for each day
Course code 14086

  • GBP 1,199 1,499
  • EUR 1,729 2,149
  • USD 1,981 2,449

Until 08 Oct

View basket 

Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

18 March 2025,
25 March 2025 &
1 April 2025

(Non-consecutive days)

Live online

09:30-17:15 UK (London) (UTC+00)
10:30-18:15 Paris (UTC+01)
05:30-13:15 New York (UTC-04)
Course code 14570

  • GBP 1,199 1,499
  • EUR 1,729 2,149
  • USD 1,981 2,449

Until 11 Feb

View basket 

Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

17-19 June 2025

Rembrandt Hotel

09:00-17:15 UK (London)
Timings may be different for each day
Course code 14815
Optional £280/€364/$420 per night

  • GBP 1,499 1,799
  • EUR 2,159 2,579
  • USD 2,471 2,939

Until 13 May

  • 3 days classroom-based training
  • Optional accommodation - 3 nights including breakfast, checking in the day before the course
  • Meet presenters and fellow attendees in person
  • Lunch and refreshments provided
  • Download documentation and certification of completion
  • Fair transfer and cancellation policy

View basket 

Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

16-18 September 2025

Live online

09:30-17:15 UK (London) (UTC+01)
10:30-18:15 Paris (UTC+02)
04:30-12:15 New York (UTC-04)
Timings may be different for each day
Course code 14940

  • GBP 1,199 1,499
  • EUR 1,729 2,149
  • USD 1,981 2,449

Until 12 Aug

View basket 

Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

9-11 December 2025

Live online

09:30-17:15 UK (London) (UTC+00)
10:30-18:15 Paris (UTC+01)
04:30-12:15 New York (UTC-05)
Timings may be different for each day
Course code 15064

  • GBP 1,199 1,499
  • EUR 1,729 2,149
  • USD 1,981 2,449

Until 04 Nov

View basket 

Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

* Early booking discounts may not be combined with other discounts or offers. As such, the discounts for 2nd/3rd/4th delegates are based on the full price; and apply only when booking multiple delegates on the same date.

Reviews of IPI's 3-day Drafting Commercial Contracts training course

Mark Weston was a great speaker and teacher - he made all the content very digestible and enjoyable. Overall a fantastic course - I learnt a huge amount and feel much more confident in my ability to advise my business on commercial contracts, risks and disputes. I will also be recommending it to other colleagues.

Jul 9 2024

Emma Wharam
Commercial Legal Counsel, Kantar

Jul 9 2024

The course was great from start to finish. Great content and delivered very well.

Darren Haynes
Project Procurement Manager, Yunex Limited

Dec 11 2023

I wanted to get a basic knowledge of drafting contracts. My expectations were exceeded and I gained such helpful insight. So engaging and interesting. It was a great pace and room for questions but not dwelling on anything unnecessary and it was excellent I really enjoyed it. It was long and difficult but Mark made it enjoyable and easy to follow.

Faye Roberts
Commercial Solicitor, Redrow Homes Limited

Dec 11 2023

Mark was an excellent speaker, he led the course clearly and delivered a good quantity of information. he also answered questions even around the main topic. I was hoping to gain a deeper understanding of common law principles in business contracts. The course provided insight into the base law which constitutes contract creation between parties and this was then put into practice with the drafting advice section of the course.

Alice Lawson
Commercial Degree Apprentice, Parker Meggitt

Jun 26 2023

The training session overall was excellent. I found all of the content relevant to my role with a lot of useful takeaways. I suspect I will be be reverting back to my notes for some time.

Daniel Evans
Legal Counsel, DAS UK Group

Feb 20 2023


Angus Waugh
General Counsel and Company Secretary, First Milk Limited

Feb 20 2023

All very good

Emma Channon
Head of Legal, Inenco

Oct 16 2023

I was hoping to gain confidence in understanding and editing contract clauses and I definitely achieved this … I have come away feeling I can read a contract cover-to-cover and have a good sense of what things mean, and how to edit/ redraft effectively. I enjoyed the case law history throughout which brought to life the contract conventions we now see.

Madeleine Ryan
Assistant Business Development Manager, King's College London

Feb 20 2023

good sense of humour and very knowledgeable and credible speaker

David Pardoe
Kings College London , Kings College London

Dec 12 2022

One of the best speakers I have experienced in an online course. I really liked the theory on the first day as it opened up my mind to understand the rest of the course.

Chukwukadibia Ebenebe
Legal Officer, Bono Energy Storage Terminal Limited

Dec 12 2022

Excellent Course


Sep 20 2022

It was really an excellent course in all respects! [...] Mark is an excellent speaker. He was able to explain the content in a comprehensible, vivid way so that time just flew by [...] I was hoping to learn more about common law and contract law and improve my skills in drafting commercial contracts and its most important clauses. I think I accomplished this since I now have a better understanding of the background of why and how to draft commercial contracts and clauses and what to focus on while doing it.

Maren Scheske
Legal Counsel, MTU Maintenance Hannover GmbH

Sep 20 2022

Very thorough, detailed and patient trainer. Very aware of the participants' state of mind and assimilation rate and he adapted his pace and content to match this. The review of boiler plate clauses was my favourite section. Mark helped me see that not reviewing boiler plate clauses in the context of each transaction is probably risker than not reviewing the core commercial terms.

Damilola Adeniyi
Corporate Affairs Manager, Olam Nigeria Limited

Sep 20 2022

Perfect speaker and very clear. The course was very useful the content is perfect to improve the skills of drafting as part of everyday tasks I will definitely recommend this course for all lawyers.

Aysha Al Doseri
Litigation & Disputes Officer, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

Jun 27 2022

Excellent - great speaker, great presentation and great material. Excellent speaker, very competent and able to share knowledge, explain complicated legal concepts in a very understandable way. I loved the way he conducted the seminar, providing examples, keeping everyone´s attention, addressing the participants by their names and interacting with them.

Angeliki-Dimitra Aroni
Junior Legal Counsel, Boehringer Ingelheim Corporate Center GmbH

Jun 27 2022

I highly recommend this webinar, super interesting, educational and with a lot of very useful tips and tricks to apply. Mark is a very dynamic speaker who keeps you focused and motivated to listen, has an interactive approach by addressing all participants separately instead of as an anonymous group and makes you really think about ways to improve your drafting and reflect on a variety of issues.

Juliette Gordeau
Legal Counsel, TRB Chemedica International S.A.

Jun 27 2022

Excellent, excellent and excellent. The course was even more detailed than I imagined it would be. Mr Weston's energy throughout was super!

Swetha Patel
Legal Director, London House Exchange Limited

Jun 27 2022

An excellent course with a engaging and knowledgeable speaker.

Andrew Nelson
Information Risk Business partner , Lowell Group

Jun 15 2021

The course content was excellent, broad and informative. In addition, I found the comparative study between the common law and civil law in different jurisdiction, educative and interesting. The presentation was conducted in a simplified way via case law scenarios. The presentation was engaging and of a higher level, in my view the presenter had exceeded expectations, furthermore the speaker possess a in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.

Thabo Pheto
Legal Advisor, North-West University

Jun 15 2021

Excellent speaker and knowledge.

Barry Gourlay
EMEA Procurement Manager, Sykes Global Services

Dec 6 2021

I enjoyed all the real case examples to demonstrate how things can work in practice...I enjoyed all the real case examples to demonstrate how things can work in practice

Jennifer Keane
Head of Operations, Byrne Dean

Jun 18 2019

Overall, a very positive experience that included a lot of information. I definitely left with a greater sense of confidence in my ability to review and draft contracts going forward.

Seth Heward-Mills
Paralegal , CNA Hardy

Jun 18 2019

Mark is an excellent speaker and trainer and captures the attention of the audience by involving them and asking good questions. All were excellent. The venue and food was also very good.

Pamela Murrison
Commercial Manager, Ametek

Jun 18 2019

I am so happy that I attended this course. Mark is a good presenter and speaker. He kept everyone engaged.

Yamini Monks
Procurement Manager, London Energy

Jun 18 2019

The course was very clear and concise and covered all of the topics in the relation to the subject and Mark made it very interesting and the time just flew by.

Sarah Jowett
Supply Chain Coordinator (shipping), Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd

Jun 18 2019

Mark is an excellent teacher/speaker and very knowledgeable in the subject, making it very easy to understand. The slides were engaging and supplemented the presentation. I gained new perspectives on drafting techniques to relay and discuss with my team and would highly recommend the course.

Bernadette Ifediora
Paralegal, Image Nation Abu Dhabi FZ LLC

Jun 18 2019

The course meet my expectations.

Tonda Chinangwa
Legal Manager, JTI Leaf Malawi Ltd

Jun 18 2019

This is a fantastic course - all main issues arising in the drafting of commercial contracts are covered. Mark is a brilliant presenter who manages to keep a dense topic interesting

Ruth Murray
VP, Legal & Corporate, SMBC Aviation Capital

Jun 12 2018

He was very professional with an excellent sense of humour. I have been to many commercial contract courses over the years. This one was by far the best - incredible information and tremendously enjoyable too!

Charles Oliver
Legal Counsel , URENCO Ltd

Jun 12 2018

A good alignment with my current role at Subsea 7

Ian George Morrison
Commercial & Contracts Manager, Subsea 7

Jun 12 2018

Mark is excellent. His understanding of the law is inspiring. I really enjoyed his delivery.

Chantelle Jones
Advisor, Medivet Group Ltd

Jun 12 2018

Mark is able to distil complex legal concepts into practical and commercial terms.

Andrew Holt
Trainee Solicitor, IPG

Jun 12 2018

Excellent course every in-house lawyer should visit at some point during their career. Makes heavy topics easily understandable. Definitely recommend it.

Minakshi Werner-Bakker
Senior Legal Counsel, TMF Group B.V.

Jun 12 2018

Very professional and clearly very knowledgable about the subject matter. Very good content, very thorough, great handouts.

Jo Lardent
Group Commercial Director, Vertas Group Limited

Jun 13 2017

Professional and to the point

Maria Michael
General Manager, Vassiliades & Co (UK) Limited

Jun 13 2017

My opinion overall on the course is that the content, presentation and speaker were "spot on". I would certainly recommend the course to my colleagues.

Samantha Fox
In House Counsel, Samantha Fox & Co.

Feb 14 2017

Very informative and easy to understand. Mark is an excellent speaker and the materials brought his teaching to life.

Noel Hedges
Contracts Manager, Huntswood CTC Limited

Jun 13 2017

Comprehensive content, a little fast paced at points, excellent speaker and knowledgable, responses to questions.

Nikki Kellie
Contractual Governance Manager, Electrocomponents PLC

Jun 13 2017

Well organised, very practical and an excellent speaker.

José Luis Saragoça
Legal Director, NAV Portugal, E.P.E.

Feb 14 2017

Good content good speaker, I have learnt a lot!

Madelon Geers
Legal Counsel, Naspers

Feb 14 2017

Mark had a lot of examples which were very useful, he was clear and has a lot of knowledge

Madelon Geers
Legal Counsel, Naspers

Jun 13 2017

Excellent course, I would recommend it

Krystal Daniel
Corporate Legal Officer, Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago

Sep 26 2016


Caroline Glynn
Chanelle Medical

Sep 26 2016

This was very well structured with varied content and a highly engaging speaker

Sally Bates
Wordings Specialist , AEGIS Managing Agency

Sep 26 2016

Pragmatic course which was interesting and relevant for my role as in-house counsel with an international company

Aoife Robinson
Solicitor, SMBC Aviation Capital

Jun 21 2016

Comprehensive topic coverage, clear materials, excellent delivery of top notch know-how

Izabella Szadkowska
Partner, AL TAMIMI & CO

Jun 21 2016

It was an absolutely brilliant 3 days of intense information

Courtney Creighton
Procurement Manager, Provident Financial Group

Jun 21 2016

Expert speaker, excellent delivery of very well-designed content

Izabella Szadkowska
Partner, AL TAMIMI & CO

Feb 15 2016

Really enjoyed, very informative and professional

Claire Snowden
Trainee Buyer, Provident Financial

Feb 15 2016

I would recommend strongly. It was just perfect.

Julien Fournie
Contract Manager, Panalytical

Sep 26 2016

Good content

Shareen Gault
General Counsel and Company Secretary , ORE Catapult

Sep 26 2016

Good pace, interesting speaker with good capabilities to keep you up with the story and content

Eva Hoftijzer
legal counsel, Huisman Equipment

Sep 26 2016

Concise, clear, excellent

Steven Kaufman
Global Business Development Lead, Bespak Europe Ltd

Sep 26 2016

Very good, Very concise

Ashley Davine
Commercial Manager, APT SkiData Limited

Sep 26 2016

The speaker kept everyone engaged and I achieved what I set out to do. Which was to learn and understand more about contacts and contract law.

Richard Robinson
Cobham Antenna Systems

Feb 15 2016

Excellent presentation of complex law in a practical manner

Matthew Colbourne
Solicitor , Das Law

Jun 9 2015

The speaker appeared confident and enthusiastic. His presentation of the material was clear and systematic. I was really impressed by his professionalism and expertise.

Natalia Spiridonova
Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners LLC

Jun 9 2015

I am very satisfied with the course in total.

Sanja Macanovic
Coordinator – Foreign Companies, BRODOSPAS, Split, Croatia

Jun 9 2015

Speaker Mr.Mark Weston explained very clearly every part. Accommodation and facilities were nice.

Josipa Vucenovic
In-House Lawyer, BRODOSPAS, Split, Croatia

Jun 9 2015

Recommend for everyone who wants to learn about common law and drafting techniques in a most efficient way.

Clemens Poelzelbauer
Legal Counsel, Tipico Co. Ltd.

Jun 9 2015

I will recommend this course to any contract manager and sales manager within my organization. The presentation given allows a very wide overview of the common law rules and traps.

Sebastien Barbet
Contracts Manager, Single Buoy Moorings Bureau D'Etudes SAM

Jun 9 2015

Speaker particularly competent and available to questions, slides very precise, full of practical examples.

Arnaud Legros

Jun 9 2015

Very happy about the course. I will recommend it to others.

Justina Kutkauskaite
Legal Counsel Europe, Aptargroup UK Holdings Limited

Jun 9 2015

Excellent! Pace was very fast but the course content was excellent and the speaker excellent. Explanations were really good.

Lola Oke
Nigerian Bottling Company Limited

Jun 9 2015

Mark is an excellent presenter, there was not one question he couldn't answer.

Samantha Oxford
King's College London

Jun 9 2015

Excellent. Pace very fast but content was excellent and speaker excellent. Explanations were really good.

Lola Oke
Nigerian Bottling Company Limited

Jun 9 2015

The speaker is very qualified and he knows how to control the audience

Amna Alabdi
Legal Counsel, Qatar Foundation

Jun 9 2015

Mark Weston is an excellent presenter, an expert in his field knowing his subject well, with the modules all joining together.

Sandie Richardson
Insurance Manager and Assistant Company Secretary, Bristow Helicopters Ltd

Jun 9 2015


Alix Ferran
Contract Specialist, Amadeus SAS

Jun 10 2014

Course was excellent; very good materials, excellent and informative presenter. Really good information - would as mentioned above be good to have the opportunity to practice the skills as we went along. Great to have a mix of people of different nationalities.

Jo Lewis
Legal Services Manager, Shanks Waste Management

Jun 10 2014

Mark was fantastic! Extremely knowledgeable and approachable! Fantastic course!

Morgan Mulay
Group Lawyer, The Monarch Group

Jun 10 2014

Very pleasant and clearly presented - not at all boring

Nick Mortram
Commercial Contracts Manager, ITW Ltd t/a Avery Weigh-Tronix

Jun 10 2014

Very informative, easy to understand.

Vahid Mursaliyev
Legal Affairs and General Administration Department Head, Azercell Telecom LLC

Jun 10 2014

The course is well structured and comprehensive content. For a non-lawyer like me, it was perfectly pitched. Mark was great.

Beatrice Mikuzi
Contracts Manager, The Francis Crick Institute

Jun 10 2014

For me, as a non-lawyer: Very good introduction to the most important matter you need to know about common law

Franziska Erkelens
Secretary/Administrative Assistant, European Space Agency

Jun 10 2014

It was really good

Jose Rufino Torija Marti
In-House Lawyer, Corporación Medichem, SL

Jun 10 2014

Marc Weston is an incredible professional that made one thing very clear to all of us: he knows what he is talking about, very well indeed. Both, as a Lawyer as well as a Trainer. Behind his humble smile and courteous manners, it is impossible to not grasp his impressive professional standing at glance. He is simply terrific. He spoke with clear competence for 3 full days non stop; we had the room to think and brainstorm with him and, at the same time, he pushed the clock to give us as much information as possible in the tide schedule. Worth for the money, and great experience. No doubt about it. Most importantly, he took us by the hand and led us through the differences between the “international” law framework (and contractual differences) and the English system when operating in the UK. Nowadays, where the business is global, this was very appreciated by all attendees. Thumb up for the Course and the Speaker. Thanks.

Ernesto Pravisano
Legal Counsel, DENSO Europe B.V.

United Kingdom

  • A&L Goodbody
  • Abbey Life Assurance Co Ltd
  • Acquis Insurance Management Ltd
  • Adaptimmune Ltd
  • AEGIS Managing Agency
  • AGI Ltd
  • Amadeus
  • Ametek
  • Anesco Limited
  • APT SkiData Limited
  • Atkins Limited
  • Baillie Gifford & Co
  • Beko Plc
  • BenevolentAI
  • Bespak Europe Ltd
  • Breathe Energy Ltd
  • Bristow Helicopters Ltd
  • British Heart Foundation
  • British Red Cross
  • Byrne Dean
  • Celebrus Technologies PLC
  • Clarion Events
  • Clifton Ingram LLP
  • Cloudfm Integrated Services Limited
  • Cloudfm Integrated Services Ltd
  • CNA Hardy
  • Cobham Antenna Systems
  • Colgate-Palmolive
  • Coverys
  • CTM UK Ltd
  • Dairygold
  • Das Law
  • DAS UK Group
  • Dematic Limited
  • East Berkshire Primary Care
  • Electrocomponents PLC
  • ETX Capital
  • Evotec
  • Falko Regional Aircraft Ltd
  • FCA Automotive Services UK Ltd
  • First Milk Limited
  • G3 Systems Ltd
  • GB Railfreight Ltd
  • Health & Safety Executive
  • HID Global
  • Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd
  • Huntswood CTC Limited
  • Illumina Cambridge Ltd
  • Inenco
  • Infor Limited
  • IPG
  • ITF
  • ITW Ltd t/a Avery Weigh-Tronix
  • Jisc
  • Kantar
  • King's College London
  • Kings College London
  • Lambourne House
  • Lebara Limited
  • London Energy
  • London House Exchange Limited
  • Lowell
  • Lowell Group
  • LTA Operations Limited
  • Mack Residential Limited
  • MBDA Systems
  • MBDA Sytems
  • McDonald's
  • Medivet Group Ltd
  • Meggitt Aerospace Ltd
  • N/A
  • Nanoco Technologies Limited
  • National Farmers Union
  • Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
  • Ometria ltd
  • Oncimmune Limited
  • Oncimmune Ltd
  • ORE Catapult
  • Orion Clinical Services Limited
  • Parker Meggitt
  • Pitney Bowes Ltd
  • Pixoneye
  • Pratt & Whitney Canada Customer Service Centre Europe GmbH
  • Provident Financial
  • Provident Financial Group
  • Prudential Distribution Ltd
  • Public Health England
  • Redrow Homes Limited
  • Reed in Partnership
  • Relayware
  • Riverstone Operations Limited
  • Santander
  • Shanks Waste Management
  • Shearwater Group PLC
  • Stonebridge Contracting Solutions
  • Sun Life Financial of Canada
  • Swansea Bay University Health Board
  • Sykes Global Services
  • T Rowe Price
  • The Francis Crick Institute
  • The Institute of Cancer Research
  • The Monarch Group
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • TMF Group B.V.
  • Unicat Catalyst Technologies LLC
  • University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust
  • University of Leicester
  • URENCO Ltd
  • Vassiliades & Co (UK) Limited
  • Velox Power Services 2
  • Vertas Group Limited
  • Warwickshire College Group
  • Yorkshire Wildlife Park
  • Yunex Limited
  • Yusen Logistics (UK) Limited


  • InterXion HeadQuarters B.V
  • BRB International BV
  • D.E Master Blenders 1753
  • DENSO Europe B.V.
  • Dutch Space BV
  • European Space Agency
  • Harman Consumer Nederland B.V.
  • Huisman Equipment
  • Interxion Headquarters B.V.
  • Interxion HeadQuarters BV
  • Naspers
  • NATO Communications and Information Agency
  • Optiver Services BV
  • Oxbow Coal B.V.
  • Panalytical
  • Philips International B.V.
  • SVITZER Salvage BV
  • TMF Group B.V.
  • Webfleet Solutions


  • Bystronic Laser AG
  • Conzzeta Management AG
  • N/A
  • Novartis Pharma AG
  • Single Buoy Moorings Bureau D'Etudes SAM
  • Single Buoy Moorings INC
  • Société de Produits Nestlé SA
  • TRB Chemedica International S.A.
  • UEFA
  • Verisure Sàrl
  • Vitol SA


  • AP Sensing
  • Augustin & Bugg
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Corporate Center GmbH
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG
  • Luxoft
  • MTU Maintenance Hannover GmbH
  • Nuvisan
  • Pratt & Whitney Canada Customer Service Centre Europe GmbH


  • Amadeus S.A.S.
  • Amadeus SAS
  • Aptargroup UK Holdings Limited
  • Servier Monde
  • Vetoquinol SA


  • Bono Energy Storage Terminal Limited
  • Ecobank Development Company Limited
  • Nigerian Bottling Company Limited
  • Olam Nigeria Limited
  • Sahara Group Limited
  • Subsea 7


  • Aspen Pharma Ireland
  • Chanelle Medical
  • Flynn O'Driscoll LLP
  • SMBC Aviation Capital
  • SMBC Aviation Capital Limited

Saudi Arabia

  • Capital Market Authority
  • LFSH
  • Middle East Propulsion Company (MEPC)
  • NCB Capital
  • NEOM Company

United Arab Emirates

  • Image Nation Abu Dhabi FZ LLC
  • Network International
  • The Legal Boutique


  • NCI Agency
  • Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA
  • UCB SA


  • Adrianna Żyrek USŁUGI PRAWNE
  • Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Katarzyna Lipińska-Wilamowska NIP 5711521575
  • Kino Polska TV S.A.


  • Qatar Foundation
  • Qatargas
  • Sidra Medicine


  • telecommunication regulatory authority
  • Telecommunications Regulatory Authority


  • BRODOSPAS, Split, Croatia
  • Narodne novine


  • Holst, Law
  • Saxo Bank A/S


  • Nokia
  • OP

South Africa

  • North- West University
  • North-West University


  • Amadeus It Group, S.A.
  • Corporación Medichem, SL

Trinidad And Tobago

  • Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago
  • The Sports Company of Trinidad & Tobago Ltd

United States of America

  • TomTom North America, Inc.
  • TomTom, Inc.




  • Azercell Telecom LLC


  • Samantha Fox & Co.


  • Self Employed


  • Goddards

Cayman Islands

  • Cayman Islands Government


  • Pen Hill Wealth Advisors Ltd

Czech Republic

  • Kooperativa pojistovna, a.s., VIG.


  • Nortal AS


  • Gibtelecom


  • Landsvirkjun


  • Rheinmetall Italia S.p.A.


  • Lukoil Kazakhstan Upstream

Korea, Republic Of

  • Samsung Bioepis


  • Central Bank of Lesotho


  • UAB 360 IT


  • JTI Leaf Malawi Ltd


  • Tipico Co. Ltd.


  • Asyad


  • NAV Portugal, E.P.E.


  • AO UniCredit Bank


  • PTT Public Company Limited


  • Turkiye IS Bankasi


  • Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners LLC

Enrol or reserve

Run 3-day Drafting Commercial Contracts Live online/Classroom for your team

3 days

Typical duration

Pricing from:

  • GBP 1,200
  • Per attendee, based on 10 attendees
  • Course tailored to your requirements
  • At your choice of location, or online


We can customise this course to your requirements and deliver it on an in-house basis for any number of your staff or colleagues.

Contact our in-house training experts Aleksandra Beer and Yesim Nurko to discuss your requirements:

Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749
