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Handling Employment Law Issues

All managers should have an understanding of employment law issues. Too many think this is the province of the HR department and might often find themselves skirting breaches in discrimination law, statutory rights, diversity issues and health and safety infringements, to name a few – without even knowing! This short course will give you a good grounding in the key areas so when you find yourself in a challenging HR situation you have all the key facts and knowledge at your disposal.

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  • 7 Modules

Course overview

All managers should have an understanding of employment law issues. Too many think this is the province of the HR department and might often find themselves skirting breaches in discrimination law, statutory rights, diversity issues and health and safety infringements, to name a few – without even knowing!

This short course, which can be taken at your leisure, is also a continual referral document, so when you find yourself in a challenging HR situation you have all the key facts and knowledge at your disposal.

Course benefits

  • Buy now for your team and invite them to participate at any time of your choosing
  • Distilled HR best practice and the statutory rights of your staff in plain English in just 4 hours
  • Available instantly to be taken on-line or printed off at your convenience
  • Doubles as a step-by-step guide and reference source for line managers dealing with sensitive HR issues
  • Model answers to confirm your understanding of the subject
  • Certificate of completion for your training records
  • Ideal for training HR assistants and executives to the HR function
  • Great for those requiring a quick refresher

Who should take this course?

  • All managers of staff
  • Team leaders
  • Office managers
  • Department heads
  • CEOs of SMEs
  • HR assistants and executives new to the role

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Certificate of excellence

Participants are invited to undertake a final assessment in the form of an online multiple-choice paper. A pass rate of 80% and above is required to ensure that a high level of competency has been achieved within the subject area, where upon you will receive a ‘Certificate of Excellence’.

Enrol or try free

The Handling Employment Law Issues course will cover:

  • Recruitment and Contracts
    • Recruitment
    • Probationary Period
    • Contract
    • Working Time Regulations
    • Part-time Employees
    • Flexible Working
    • Homeworking
    • Maternity Rights
    • National Minimum Wage
    • Self Assessment
  • Discrimination Issues in the Workplace
    • Diversity
    • A Dignity at Work Policy
    • Liability
    • Bullying
    • Evidence
    • Social Events
    • Equality Act 2006
    • Self Assessment
  • Performance Issues
    • Discipline
    • Grievance
    • Self Assessment
  • Health and Safety Issues
    • Accidents
    • Fire
    • First Aid
    • Sickness
    • Medical Records
    • Self Assessment
  • The End of the Road
    • Dismissal
    • Termination Checklist
    • Redundancy
    • Retirement
    • Self Assessment
  • Final Assessment
  • Customer Feedback Form

Enrol or try free

David Martin

As a Director and Secretary of one of the top 250 listed PLCs, for nearly ten years David Martin was responsible for a range of disciplines, including personnel, property and insurance, as well as statutory and legal requirements and corporate/internal communications (three of his annual reports won national awards).

Following a takeover, David founded his own consultancy, Buddenbrook, which has carried out various projects for a range of clients, large and small, for the last 30 years. He has been an employer’s representative on Employment Tribunals.

More details

Enrol on Handling Employment Law Issues training

Complete course

  • GBP 49.00 +VAT
  • EUR 69.00 +VAT
  • USD 76.00 +VAT

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  • GBP 0.00 +VAT

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Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Distribute, monitor and customise this course for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749
