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The People Management Clinic

A complete guide to people management - helping managers along the most difficult of paths: leading, motivating and running a team of people. This book takes the form of a clinic during which you can ask an experienced people management consultant how to approach any number of issues and problems that face you on a daily basis.

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This pragmatic, comprehensive book is a complete guide to people management, helping managers along the most difficult of paths: leading, motivating and running a team of people.

This is an ideal book for managers who need quick but expert guidance on the people management problems they face on a daily basis. Making the transition to managing a team is daunting in itself but the problems don’t stop there, managing other people poses challenges at
all levels.

This book takes the form of a clinic, where a people manager asks an experienced management consultant how particular issues and problems should be approached. This unique question and answer format offers managers advice that is accessible, practical and based on the author’s many years’ management consulting experience, and can be read from cover to cover or dipped into as and when necessary.

This training course is part of our collection of Leadership & Management Training Courses which focus on leadership, innovation, strategy, communication, finance, problem solving and conflict management, to name a few key areas.

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One: Starting out

Two: Team issues

Three: Leadership

Four: Performance management

Five: Organisational skills for managers

Six: Delegation and coaching

Seven; Stakeholders

Eight: Communication skills

Nine: Change management

Ten: Overcoming stress

Martin Richardson

Martin Richardson has undertaken a variety of management, consulting and training projects over the last ten years and is an experienced consultant, specialising in training and development.

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ISBN 978 185418391 0
240 pages

  • GBP 19.99
  • EUR 23.99
  • USD 29.95

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