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The PR Practitioner's Desktop Guide

A practical source of reference on every aspect of the business written by a successful PR professional, clearly laid out and packed with valuable checklists, tips and techniques, warning signs and helpful summaries.

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Public relations practice is changing all the time, propelled forwards by developments in communications technology and changes to the economic climate affecting the way businesses choose to communicate. Public relations professionals need to keep up with the latest developments while at the same time understanding the established principles of good public relations practice.

This second edition of the PR Practitioner’s Desktop Guide is essential for anyone involved in the public relations function of any organisation. It is jargon free, easy to read and accessible. Whether you are an inhouse practitioner or a consultant working for clients, this book contains practical advice and suggestions, plus useful checklists and ideas for improving the way PR practitioners work. It will also help you get-to-grips with today’s fast moving media and communications channels, and has new sections on using these to create and enhance reputation.

This training course is part of our collection of Sales & Marketing Training Courses which are designed to help you achieve successful marketing account management, sales growth and improve your, and your organisation's performance.


‘Anyone working in communications and marketing will find the PR Practitioner’s Desktop Guide invaluable. I highly recommend it.’

Peter Hobday, writer and BBC broadcaster

Buy yourself a large desk to accommodate Caroline Black’s ‘The PR Practitioner’s Desktop Guide’ because the investment will be worth it. In a weighty tome of communication practice delivered in bite-sized chunks, Caroline succeeds in her task by mentoring her readers at every stage. Need to check ethics, standards or codes of conduct? Covered. Need reassurance that your story would have run had a bigger story not come along? Sorted. This easy-to-access guide certainly hits the spot but readers should go elsewhere for deeper analysis or debate. Why not personalise by inserting a blank page for notes at the end of each section? Perfect.’

Louise Third, MCIPR, Director Integra Communications Limited

‘… essential for anyone involved in the public relations function for any type of organisation. It is jargon free, easy to read and accessible.’

Ruth Spellman, Chief Executive, Investors in People UK

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  • Words from the wise

    1. Communications and public relations

    2. A short history of communications and public relations

    3. The professional communicator

    4. Ethics, standards and codes of conduct for professional communicators

    5. Planning communications campaigns

    6. Working with the media

    7. Communications and social media

    8. Writing for communicators

    9. Managing the PR function

    10. Public relations and the marketing mix

    11. Other tactics for communications campaigns

    12. Event management

    13. Public relations specialisms

    14. Public affairs

    15. Using visuals in communications campaigns

    16. International public relations

    17. Issues and crisis management


    • Codes of conduct
    • Directory of key organisations and associations
    • Glossary

    Caroline Black
    Caroline Black & Associates

    Caroline Black is a highly experienced corporate, consumer, business-to-business and issues/crisis management communications professional. She has a wide appreciation of all marketing disciplines (PR, Advertising, Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion). She also has extensive management experience (Communications; Management Development; Human Resource Management; Training and Development; New Business/Business Development). Caroline works directly with clients as an independent coach and learning consultant and also delivers public and in-company workshop webinars and conferences for organisations including the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, PR Academy and The Media Trust.

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