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The Company Director's Desktop Guide

This new 15th edition of the best-selling *Company Director's Desktop Guide* provides an indispensable guide to the key issues and liabilities faced by all company directors. Fully revised and updated to reflect the latest changes in legislation, it includes checklists, charts and summaries throughout.

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Ring-bound version will be available for purchase soon in July 2019

Stay on top of your obligations and save time, trouble and costs

The Company Director’s Desktop Guide is an indispensable source of reference on all areas of company law and practice for directors in every type of organisation. It provides essentially practical, jargon-free guidance on every aspect of a director’s duties drawn from the author’s considerable experience.

Directors and managers are confronted with rapidly changing and increasing legislative requirements – at last count British companies were subject to some 22,000 different statutes. Remaining fully conversant with all the obligations, responsibilities and liabilities demanded under Company – and all the other – laws can therefore be a struggle for even the most diligent director or company secretary.

This book explains those responsibilities and obligations in clear terms, emphasising what the law means in practice, how to implement it and how best to minimise risk and avoid potential penalties.

Practical, Jargon-free

The tasks and responsibilities of the company director are becoming more demanding as the amount and complexity of legislation increases. This is a practically oriented book, ideal for you if you:

  • Have no legal training – refers to the law but is jargon-free
  • Need to know what you have to do and what you should not do – packed with checklists, hints and warnings
  • Are pressed for time – focuses on ensuring that you know the essentials and do not break company law
  • Are concerned about your liabilities – outlines how these can arise and provides guidance on how to minimize their effects

As well as being completely revised and updated, the 15th edition of this popular title now includes new and detailed guidance on practical aspects of:

  • the continuing application of Companies Act 2006
  • the newly required registers of Persons of Significant Control: obtaining and filing the information
  • the implementation of the Modern Slavery Act: advising and monitoring those providing services to the company
  • gender pay reporting – guidance on setting up and publication
  • suggested proposals to prevent a prosecution under the Bribery Act
  • property occupation and management
  • controlling religious prosetylizing at work
  • proposals implementing the new requirement placed on organisations to prohibit tax evasion

This training course is part of our series of Corporate Strategy Training Courses covering the essential skills and best practices for all Company Directors and Company Secretaries, as well as business leaders and entrepreneurs.


‘I have come across many books that have purported to cover similar ground, but most fail by being either too simplistic to be of practical value, or too academic and wordy to sustain the attention of the reader. The Desktop Guide succeeds where its rivals fail, by focusing on the details that matter to directors. It is an excellent guide to what you are letting yourself in for, if you accept that tap on the shoulder.’

Robin Chew, Accounting Technician Magazine

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  1. The nature of the beast: Defining the nature of Directors and their role’
  2. A rose by any other name: The variety of types of Directors – and their responsibilities
  3. Scaling the peak: Appointment and status
  4. Board members – and others – beware: Liabilities and protection
  5. The risk business
  6. ‘Ill met’ – without method: Procedures for effective Board Meetings
  7. A meeting’s two key players – The Chairman and Secretary
  8. Board without boredom: Preparation for and administration of Board Meetings
  9. An Inspector calls: Access, Authorities and Auditors
  10. Setting an example: Behaviour and approach
  11. ‘He who communicates leads’: Leadership and management
  12. Meeting the owners: Shareholders’ Meetings
  13. ‘Write a better book’: Shareholder communication
  14. No such thing as bad publcity: The public image
  15. Managing the property assets
  16. ‘A personal viewpoint’: Employment considerations
  17. ‘Comparability and consultation’
  18. ‘Directing now’
    Appendix I: Types of companies
    Appendix II: Types of shares
    Appendix III: Possible additional clauses for LTD’s Articles
    Appendix IV: Who is liable?
    Appendix V: Bibliography

David Martin

As a Director and Secretary of one of the top 250 listed PLCs, for nearly ten years David Martin was responsible for a range of disciplines, including personnel, property and insurance, as well as statutory and legal requirements and corporate/internal communications (three of his annual reports won national awards).

Following a takeover, David founded his own consultancy, Buddenbrook, which has carried out various projects for a range of clients, large and small, for the last 30 years. He has been an employer’s representative on Employment Tribunals.

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ISBN 9781854189110
562 pages

  • GBP 47.00

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