The telephone is a very important tool for business, particularly in the fields of customer service, selling, prospecting and credit control. This book contains everything you will ever need to know about using the telephone in business to the best advantage.
This training course is part of our collection of Sales & Marketing Training Courses which are designed to help you achieve successful marketing account management, sales growth and improve your, and your organisation's performance.
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Section 1: Telephone tactics for customer satisfaction
- The telecommunications revolution
- Creating a positive impression
- Master the basics
- Effective telephone guidelines
- Advanced telephone rapport
- Structuring a telephone call
- Telephone skills assessment
- Gathering information – key skills
- Turning customer problems into opportunities
- Confirming – key skills
- Difficult situations – key skills
- Dealing with angry customers
- Assertiveness on the telephone
- Attitude
- Telephone skills – best practice summary
- Customer service – application assignments
Section 2: Gaining appointments by telephone
- The importance of proactive prospecting
- Sales is a numbers game
- The most important step in the sales process
- Ten top tips on making appointments
- Making appointments: planning and preparation
- Getting past gatekeepers
- How to structure a call
- Cold-calling blues
- ‘Warm-calling’: A three-step method to increase your sales
- Ideal appointment times
- Example call
- Prospect tracking
- Appointments – application assignments
Section 3: Achieving better sales results on the telephone- How to get even better sales results
- Customer focus
- Selling and customer service
- An introduction to selling on the telephone
- Structuring a sales call
- Preparation, organisation and planning
- Converting incoming calls into sales
- Outgoing calls – working a list
- Personal organisation
- Voice projection
- The sales call
- The voice that sells
- Telephone sales questioning techniques
- Features and benefits (FAB)
- Developing FAB statements
- People buy for different reasons
- Handling objections and questions
- Overcoming objections
- Closing the sale
- Ending the call
- Telephone selling – application assignments
Graham Roberts-Phelps
t/a Brilliant Customer Service Ltd
Graham Roberts-Phelps, Training Director of 80/20
Training Ltd, is an experienced professional business trainer and
consultant, with business and management experience gained in a range of
industries. He has been designing and presenting business, sales and
customer service training programmes and presentations for many years.
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