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Drafting Commercial Contracts Training Course

A practical and interactive two-day programme designed to develop your skills to draft clear and concise commercial agreements. This comprehensive two-part programme focuses on delivering practical and applied training of the key drafting skills.

★★★★★ "Mark was fantastic. Extremely knowledgeable and engaging. Provides fantastic examples to help you vi... more (93)"

4 February 2025 / 11 February 2025
+ 27-28 May 2025, 27-28 October 2025 »

from £999

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Course overview

Negotiate and draft clear and concise commercial agreements that meet the challenges of today’s commercial environment

Business is founded on the crystallisation of the terms of a deal and clarity and fair construction are key to a successful commercial agreement. Without a clear agreement, commercial and legal disputes are likely and unclear agreements are one of the largest causes of costly commercial litigation.

With this in mind, we have developed this modular and comprehensive multi-part programme that focuses on delivering practical and applied training of the key drafting skills needed to create transparent and direct contracts that deliver on a legal and commercial level. Each section of the course builds on the section before.

Part One: Drafting, Structure, Interpretation and Formation of Contracts focuses on developing a robust structure and formation to your contracts and expanding your drafting skills to deliver concise and watertight agreements. It will also explain the fundamentals of how contracts are interpreted.

Part Two: Precise and Careful Drafting looks in more detail at the more complex clauses and how they can be drafted and applied to leverage commercial value and manage legal risk.

Practical interactive learning style

This workshop-style programme has been designed to offer a practical solution to your drafting challenges. Throughout the programme the expert presenter will use a balanced mix of theory, group exercises, discussion, sample clauses and case studies to provide you with a comprehensive portfolio of practical tips and techniques to draft contracts which meet your commercial objectives as well as ensuring that there are no ‘surprises’ further on.

Please note: When attending the online version of this course, participants are required to join with the ability to turn on their cameras. This is an essential requirement in order to fully participate in the training course due to the interactive nature of the programme.

This training course is part of our Commercial Contracts Training Course collection which has been designed for the in-house lawyer.

Benefits of attending

By attending this programme you will:

  • Examine assignment and novation to ensure you are suitably protected in the case of transfer or sale of rights
  • Consider the purpose and effect of typical boilerplate clauses and how you can leverage value for your organisation through clearer drafting
  • Get to grips with payments and interest terms to understand how penalties can be applied
  • Expand your knowledge of the risk of drafting a contract without a confidentiality clause
  • Understand the risks that can be created through poor drafting in practical exercises under the guidance of the expert
  • Discuss any disputes or issues you are facing with colleagues from other organisations to gain new ideas and perspectives
  • Understand the pitfalls and pluses to applying an effective standard structure and format to every contract
  • Master practical drafting techniques to write concise and effective agreements
  • Examine special contractual arrangements and letters of intent
  • Learn how to interpret variations and time-is-of-the-essence clauses
  • Clarify the distinction between ‘best endeavours’ and ‘reasonable endeavours’ – essential terminology in commercial contracts
  • Get up to date with the use and drafting of contractual warranties and indemnities
  • Understand the effect of exclusion and limitation clauses, and how they can be used to manage your exposure

Who should attend?

This programme has been specifically designed for those who want to enhance their practical drafting skills and who have a knowledge of the law, including:

  • In-house lawyers
  • Private practice lawyers
  • Commercial and contracts directors and managers
  • Procurement personnel
  • Compliance officers
  • Company secretaries

Presenter's firm

Weston Legal is a leading specialist boutique firm specialising in Commercial law, Technology law, Media law, Intellectual Property law, Data law and Regulatory law and practice. From its founding, the firm has always committed to provide a fast and efficient service wherever its clients operate. As its business has grown and diversified, it has recognised the strength and importance of the principles held by its people; putting clients first and operating as one team to realise its goals and share its success. These principles have formed the foundation of its culture and the way its lawyers interact with one another and the firm’s clients. They are what distinguish it and are vital to its future.

To find out more about what Weston Legal can do for you, please contact Mark at westonlegal.ltd or see https://uk.linkedin.com/in/markwestonlegal

Mark also operates as a leading consultant to Hill Dickinson LLP, a leading and award-winning international law firm with offices in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Piraeus, Singapore, Monaco and Hong Kong. As a full service law firm, it delivers advice and strategic guidance spanning the full legal spectrum from non-contentious advisory and transactional work, to all forms of dispute resolution. The firm is on the panel of a number of national and international organisations and regularly competes against many of the City firms. In recent months, they have been able to win a number of panel reviews against City firms.

To find out more out what Mark can do for you via Hill Dickinson, please contact him via www.hilldickinson.com

Enrol or reserve

This course will cover:

Contract interpretation

  • Systems of law
  • Civil law vs common law approaches to drafting
  • Precedent (and some Latin)
  • Interpretation and construction
  • Clarity and ambiguity: Arnold v Britton, Wood v Capita Insurance
  • Ambiguity: Investors Compensation Scheme v West Bromwich
  • Classical contract interpretation (six canons)
  • Modern contract interpretation (ten principles)
  • The effect of Brexit on contract drafting and interpretation
  • Admissible background
  • Private dictionary principles

How do you form a contract? PART 1

  • Ingredients to form a contract
  • Classical
    • Offer
    • Acceptance
    • Consideration
    • Battle of the forms
    • Other elements in formation
  • Sui generis formation

How do you form a contract? PART 2

  • Distinctions between negotiations and contracts
    • Have you accidentally formed a contract while negotiating?
      • The six steps of Pagnan Freres
      • 'Subject to contract’
      • 'Without prejudice’

Commercial contract format and structure

  • Splitting form from content
  • Form
    • Law and custom
    • Tone and format
    • Deed or under hand?
    • Drafting techniques
      • Mapping: free drafting (when you have no precedent)
      • Mapping: tied drafting (when you have a starting point)
  • Structures of typical commercial contracts

Terms: implied, express and standard PART 1

  • Implied terms
    • Three types
    • The 2015 revision
    • Plus 1

Terms: implied, express and standard PART 2

  • Express terms
    • Time is of the essence
    • Best endeavours clauses
    • Reasonable endeavours
    • Nuances and efforts
    • The obligation spectrum
  • Meaning of standard terminology
    • Reasonable
    • Substantial
    • Material

Drafting techniques: the easy but not well-known stuff PART 1

  • Practical tips

Drafting techniques: the hard stuff and not well-known stuff PART 2

  • Differences between ‘shall do’, ‘will do’, ‘endeavour to do’
  • Understanding WCI and why you cannot draft contracts without them
  • Differences between warranties, undertakings and representations
  • Differences between warranties and indemnities

Exclusion and limitation clauses

  • Myths about liability clauses
  • Internationally accepted practice
  • Economic rationale for this area of law
  • The liability protection spectrum
  • Jurisdictional differences
  • Factors affecting liability… or not
  • Negotiating liability clauses: risks and responsibilities
  • The ACE principle
  • Acceptance of risk
  • Capping of risk
  • Exclusion of risk
  • Arguments used by each side when negotiating
  • Drafting a liability clause: tips, tricks and techniques
  • Indirect and consequential loss: the changing position since 2017

Introduction to boilerplate

  • A functional methodology

Transferring contractual rights and obligations

  • Transferring rights
    • Assignment
    • Novation
    • Other transfers
    • An exercise: in the real world
  • Third-party rights
    • Privity
    • Some history
    • Practical examples
    • The new rules
    • Drafting issues and traps

Welded boilerplate

  • Interpretation
    • Importance
    • Start vs finish
    • Headings and titles
    • Usual interpretation clauses
  • Notice and communications
    • Purpose of a clause
    • Problematic clauses
    • Relevant case law
  • Waiver
    • Purpose
    • Effect
    • Clause
    • How does it work?
    • Variation
    • The remedies addendum
    • The 2018 revision
  • Invalidity and severance
    • Purpose
    • Invalid clauses – and consequences
    • Blue pencil test
    • Repair
    • Clause
    • Bolt-ons
  • Force majeure
    • Purpose
    • Some history
    • A partisan view of risk
    • What is force majeure?
    • Effect
    • Procedure
    • Clause
    • The court


  • Interest clauses
    • A clause: charging interest for late payment
    • Penalties and rates of interest
    • Force majeure and payments
    • The importance of waiving rights – or not

Entire agreement clauses; governing law, jurisdiction and dispute resolution clauses

  • Entire agreement clauses
    • Purpose
    • Problem
    • A new purpose
    • The law
    • Drafting a clause
    • Documentary inclusion/exclusion
  • Governing law, jurisdiction and dispute resolution clauses
    • Governing law
    • Jurisdiction
    • Dispute resolution clauses

Enrol or reserve

Mark Weston
Weston Legal

Mark Weston has run his own law firm, Weston Legal, since 1 January 2024. He is also a consultant at Hill Dickinson LLP where he joined in February 2016 as a partner and Head of its Commercial, TMT & IP Practice. Before that, he was a partner and Head of the Commercial/IP/IT Team at Matthew Arnold & Baldwin LLP and before that, he spent several years at Baker & McKenzie in London and Chicago and has also previously been seconded to Hewlett Packard and other technology businesses. He changed role to become a consultant in Hill Dickinson’s London office in January 2024.

Expertise: Mark’s practice covers both non-contentious and contentious matters in all areas of commercial law, intellectual property law, information technology law, Internet, electronic commerce and on-line services law. He specialises in commercial and Tech issues. Mark is used as a ‘trusted adviser’ by many clients in all sorts of businesses and often acts as ‘private practice in-house counsel’ for many clients. He specialises in tech and internet businesses.

Clients: Just some of Mark’s more well-known clients include Elstree Film Studios, RTL Group S.A., Sykes Cottages, Retailcorp Brands LLC, The Gulf Marketing Group, Moneynetint Limited and the BBC.

Some detail: Mark has extensive experience in advising clients on all manner of commercial matters (such as business planning and solutions, franchising, distribution, agency and marketing) through branding and intellectual property exploitation and licensing, to advice and documentation regarding hardware and software issues (such as development, licensing, maintenance and distribution, SaaS and cloud, Internet transactional solutioning, B2B, B2C and B2G electronic commerce, S-commerce and M-Commerce, social media, outsourcing, facilities management, procurement, IT policies, data protection (privacy), GDPR and freedom of information issues as well as artificial intelligence (AI)). He has a particular expertise in new digital business and revenue streams. He is also experienced in dealing with software disputes and IT litigation. The increasingly extensive media side of his practice relates primarily to publishing (both real world and digital content), to games and gaming platforms (and particularly transmedia technologies), advising companies about their advertising onscreen, online and in print and managing their public communications strategies generally (dealing with the CMA and ASA in the process) – and also a smattering of television, film and music exploitation. Recently he has been very active in AI advice.

More unusual: 

Mark has previously spent several months on secondment to Hewlett Packard and he has also been seconded to assist in the legal problems arising in new technology companies such as Symbian. From 2000 to 2001, Mark was resident in the Chicago office of Baker & McKenzie advising US clients on European and UK aspects of IT and electronic commerce law and practice.

Mark is the author of the Legal Practice Companion, a parallel text book used at several law schools, the editor of the IP and Media Law Companion as well as the rest of the Companion series of books published by Bloomsbury Professional, Tottels, Cavendish Publishing and Oxford University Press. He has noted numerous reports for the IT Law Reports and is widely published in Computing, Computers & Law, Computer Law & Security Report, IT Law Today, Intellectual Property World, Solicitors Journal and many other journals both online and offline. Mark has also authored articles syndicated in the national and trade press and is regularly quoted in national newspapers and is heard on radio as an expert in his fields. Mark is the author of the Business Names on the Internet chapter in the PLC Ecommerce Manual as well as numerous other articles on various Commercial & IT law topics.

Mark lectures regularly on all Commercial, IP and IT law topics, including at the IBC IT ‘Summer School’ Programme in Cambridge, England; the Falconbury and MBL two-day and three-day Commercial Contracts seminars (run several times a year) and IT Contracts seminars (run three times a year) in London; and he has previously lectured at the Annual On-line & Internet Commerce Law Institute seminar in Chicago and tutored at University College London.  He also runs a programme of bespoke training schemes on commercial law, IP law, IT law, AI law and data law as well as soft skills programmes such as negotiation skills and presentation skills.

Finally, you may have seen that Mark likes blogging and writing books, which are available at all good bookshops! He also appears regularly on BBC1 (usually providing advice on-screen to BBC Watchdog) and also on Sky News as a legal commentator, as well as trying to avoid the huge quantity of pink powder the TV make-up girls want to apply to his increasingly receding hairline.

More details

NEW higher discounts for multiple bookings - bring your colleagues to make your training budget go further:

  • 30% off the 2nd delegate*
  • 40% off the 3rd delegate*
  • 50% off the 4th delegate*

Please contact us for pricing if you are interested in booking 5 or more delegates

4 February 2025 &
11 February 2025

(Non-consecutive days)

Live online

09:30-17:15 UK (London) (UTC+00)
10:30-18:15 Paris (UTC+01)
04:30-12:15 New York (UTC-05)
Course code 14487

  • GBP 999 1,199
  • EUR 1,439 1,719
  • USD 1,647 1,959

Until 31 Dec

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

27-28 May 2025

Live online

09:30-17:15 UK (London) (UTC+01)
10:30-18:15 Paris (UTC+02)
04:30-12:15 New York (UTC-04)
Course code 14715

  • GBP 999 1,199
  • EUR 1,439 1,719
  • USD 1,647 1,959

Until 22 Apr

View basket 

Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

27-28 October 2025

Rembrandt Hotel

09:30-16:30 UK (London)
Course code 14919
Optional £240/€312/$360 per night

  • GBP 1,199 1,399
  • EUR 1,729 2,009
  • USD 1,977 2,289

Until 22 Sep

  • 2 days classroom-based training
  • Optional accommodation - 2 nights including breakfast, checking in the day before the course
  • Meet presenters and fellow attendees in person
  • Lunch and refreshments provided
  • Download documentation and certification of completion
  • Fair transfer and cancellation policy

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

* Early booking discounts may not be combined with other discounts or offers. As such, the discounts for 2nd/3rd/4th delegates are based on the full price; and apply only when booking multiple delegates on the same date.

Reviews of IPI's Drafting Commercial Contracts training course

Mark was fantastic. Extremely knowledgeable and engaging. Provides fantastic examples to help you visualise the issues at hand. Very good overall and I found it far more engaging than I anticipated.

Nov 6 2023

Chris Jones
Commercial Lawyer, Admiral Group Plc

Apr 19 2023

It was fantastic, highly recommended.

Isaac Eloi
Junior Legal Counsel, International Copyright Enterprise Services Limited

Apr 19 2023

excellent, I hope to attend another course in future.

Eilidh Ferguson
Contracts and Administrative Support Officer, Health Data Research UK

Nov 6 2023

Great, lots of examples and kept everyone engaged given the amount of content and length of the court. Good course, I would look to do more in future.

Libby Morris
Lawyer , Admiral

Nov 6 2023

The Presentation was clear and engaging. The content was comprehensive but there was not much documentation for the attendees. It was a great class with enriching content.

Rhiannon Osuji
Commercial Managers, SGN

Apr 4 2022

Brilliant overall, being new to contracts it could have possibly been more beneficial to have taken place over 3 days rather than 2 as there is a lot of information to digest.

Paul Docherty
Contracts & Support Manager, Falko Regional Aircraft Limited

Jul 4 2022

Mark was extremely engaging and knowledgeable, providing pertinent examples throughout.

William McLaughlin
Procurement & Contracts Manager, Cornish Lithium Ltd

Apr 4 2022

Excellent focused content and speaker is engaging and very knowledgeable. Overall, very satisfied.

Cliona Cassidy

Apr 4 2022

I very much enjoyed the course and found it very valuable as it has direct relevant to my role. Mark's presentation of the content and the supporting slides and additional information exceeded my expectations.

Helen Astle
London Pensions Fund Authority

Apr 4 2022

Excellent. I appreciate the detailed slides which I will go through again to recap what I have learnt. Even though I don't work with contracts at present, I feel confident that I can have a good go at drafting or reviewing a contract if asked to do so for the first time. So I am looking forward to stepping into this area of law.

Florence Clement-Harry

Oct 26 2022

Very good

Sukh Saini
Pictons Solicitors LLP

Oct 26 2022

I enjoyed the case law comparisons as they helped to provide good context to what could otherwise be complicated content.

Susan Ellis
Track Access and HS1 Contracts Manager , South Eastern

Apr 4 2022

Excellent speaker with a great and fundamental knowledge.

Sven Roestermundt
Senior RA Manager, Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd

Oct 27 2021

Fast-paced but well timed and good interaction without pressure...Very good presentation from knowledgeable presenter with excellent presentation material. Would definitely recommend.

Lisa House
Commercial Officer, Atlas Elektronik UK Ltd

Feb 22 2021

The content and information given were great as it was based on years of practice and experience.

Colin Lumsden
GT Revitalising Manager, Ministry of PLAHI

Feb 22 2021

The course was really informative and the content relevant and educational. Mark is very knowledgeable and experienced which was great, and he shared a lot of great drafting tips that will help me going forward. Thank you for a great course!

Linda Stenberg
Senior Contracts Specialist, Boston Scientific Inti SA

Feb 22 2021

Content was great, very detailed but not unnecessarily weighing us down at all. It was presented very clearly and Mark used personal anecdotes and hypothetical relating to the course participants which kept everyone engaged.

Jacob Williams
Paralegal, 2buy2.com Ltd

Oct 28 2020

Extremely effective form of training - Mark is a great speaker and conveyed vast swathes of information in an accessible manner.

Alice Holt
Co-Head, EO Legal , Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited

Oct 28 2020

Really great content and made very digestible. It was very well delivered and there was lots of opportunities to clarify and ask questions. The drafting a contract from scratch segment was alo particularly useful.

Portia Durand-Henry

Oct 28 2020

Very satisfied with the course and will consider, and recommend to others, Falconbury for further future training needs.

Paul Blake
Contracts & Commercial Lead, Harland & Wolff (Belfast) Limited

Oct 28 2020

Excellent for someone in my role, highly recommended.

Sean Haines
Commercial Contracts and Funding Manager, Hitachi Vantara Limited

Feb 26 2020

It was a very beneficial and interesting course and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Mark and his presentation skills were exemplary.

Elaine Kennerk
Senior Paralegal, Aspen Pharma Ireland

Feb 26 2020

The speaker brought a good energy to the course. He was able to keep the attention of the audience and involve the audience during the presentation. I particularly liked his drafting tips and tricks.

Issam Moustaine
Legal Counsel, TomTom

Oct 30 2019

A very informative and enjoyable course with detailed content from an engaging speaker. He had great pace and the perfect balance of humour and work.

Lynda Bell
Corporate Lawyer, Danske Bank

Oct 30 2019

I wanted a refresher and also to sharpen my drafting skills and the course exceeded my expectations. It gave me an in-depth insight into the boilerplates and I now have a better understanding on the use and effect of certain clauses in commercial agreements. [Mark] is not only knowledgeable, he is also a great lecturer.

Motunrayo Wale Balogun
Legal Officer, Stanbic IBTC

Oct 30 2019

Very enjoyable and interesting course in which I learned a lot. I will go away feeling a lot more confident in my ability to draft commercially sound and risk-free agreements.

May Al-Taher
Contracts Manager, Reed in Partnership

Oct 30 2019

I was hoping to achieve greater in-depth understanding of the individual clauses that comprise a commercial contract and, yes, I did receive this information in a significant amount of detail – more than I was expecting in a short amount of time. The material provided was of an excellent standard and very useful to self-learn afterwards. Mark was great, he was very thorough and clear and really engaged the listener throughout the course. I particularly liked the examples which were very relevant to the course and provided some context to the application of the clauses. The presentation was detailed and contained a lot of information to help you draft commercial contracts.

Manpreet Sirha
Contracts Manager, Insight UK

Feb 27 2019

Fantastic course. Mark is extremely knowledgeable and had examples for every question that was thrown at him.

Francesca Gould
Commercial Manager, Ensono Limited

Oct 30 2019

A great speaker. Mark is brilliant and knows how to make the content of the course entertaining and interesting. He also has very good social skills and knows how to make everyone feel included and comfortable.

Laure Corbier
Lawyer, UEFA

Oct 30 2019

Good and intensive course. Very good speaker.

Rita Timoteo

Oct 30 2018

The speaker was simply excellent.

Sebastian Gruson
Head of Legal Department, Boehringer-Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG

Oct 30 2018

Great course, very practical. A must for every contract drafter. Good speaker and good presentation.

Claire van den Adel
Junior Legal Counsel , InterXion HeadQuarters B.V.

Oct 30 2018

Mark is totally awesome. Charming, entertaining and puts everyone in the room at ease. He is clearly an expert in his field and explained the subject in a way that a simple layperson like myself could understand. He made the subject way more interesting than I imagined it would be. It was a pleasure and an honour to spend two days in his company.

Zowie Recchi
Commercial and On-boarding Co-ordinator, Premier Medical Group Ltd

Oct 30 2018

Mark was extremely knowledgeable and presented a usually dry subject in a manner that was interesting, detailed and helpful.

Rukhsana Arif
Head of Legal Services, Trident Group

Feb 13 2018

Speaker was very knowledgeable and content was good. Presentation and course material useful for reference and to make notes throughout.

Kate Ashworth
Corporate Planning Coordinator, Brother UK Ltd

Feb 13 2018

Very good content and speaker was very clear

Nour Sakr
Legal Manager, g2 Energy Limited

Oct 30 2018

An excellent course – I would fully recommend to my company and wider business connections. Most importantly, it has helped me develop a skillset that I can take back to my business and challenge the way we do things as well as assist in contractual matters.

Craig Phillips
Finance Director, Biocatalysts Ltd

Oct 30 2018

Generally excellent. Presenter very good and knowledgeable.

Timothy Cole
Commercial Manager, Premier Medical Group Ltd

Oct 30 2018

Presentations were great, speaker was engaging and content was clear and useful.

Jessica Marcos
Operations Manager, King's College London

Feb 13 2018

Very good, relevant and clear. Good practical examples. Clear structure, builds up. Includes all kinds of tips and tricks.

Rebecca Veerman
Legal Counsel , TomTom International B.V.

Feb 13 2018

Excellent. Would recommend to my colleagues.

Andre Ong
Senior Civil Advisor, Ministry of Manpower

Oct 30 2017

Mark was a very professional tutor who was equipped and happy to share his knowledge and experiences with others. The course covered a lot of ground and was very interesting; a great deal of food for thought and practical advice to improve the way I draft contracts in the future.

Veronica Claire Lawson
Solicitor, Diamond Resorts (Europe) Limited

Oct 30 2017

Engaging speaker for very interesting and practical course that'll definitely help in day to day job

Madeleine Redfern
European Legal Advisor, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd

Oct 12 2015

Good. Very useful and great material.

Rouda Bahzad
Legal Counsel, Qatar Foundation

Oct 12 2015

The content of the course was great. Mark is a fantastic speaker, very practical

Alexandre Marcotte
Director Legal Decorative Paints Europe & Africa, Akzo Nobel Nederland B.V.

Feb 9 2015

It was great

Nahla Mohamed Adel Mahmoud Eladany
Lawyer, MBC FZ – LLC

Feb 9 2015

Well structured, interesting and practical.

Toms Purins
Lawyer, Eversheds

Feb 9 2015

Very well structured and paced.

Olesya Kerridge
Advisor – Technical Cooperation, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development

Feb 9 2015

Overall I thought the course was extremely good. Speaker was fantastic, knowledgeable and engaging!

Sarah Platt-Smyth
Advisors’ Assistant – Technical Cooperation, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development

Oct 12 2015

Even though the content was heavy and the presentation intense, the speaker delivered it to us in a very understandable and interesting way. The pace was fast but the speaker would always pay attention if we had question or if we needed clarification on a certain point. I have really enjoyed this course.

Sophie Dévaud
Paralegal, Debiopharm International SA

Oct 12 2015

Well done

Maud Gote
Senior Legal Counsel – Commercial Contracting, Interxion Headquarters BV

Oct 12 2015

I liked the structure of the course and Mark is a good presenter

Judit Toth
Contract Manager, Saxo Bank A/S

Oct 12 2015

It was very interesting and practical. The approach was good.

Alexandre Marcotte
Director Legal Decorative Paints Europe & Africa, Akzo Nobel Nederland B.V.

Oct 12 2015

Energetic and useful, comprehensive, knowledgable and well-organised

Serkan Gunay
Turkiye IS Bankasi AS

Feb 9 2015

Good but need more specifics and also should be split between lawyer and non lawyer, beginner, experienced.

Shimaa Sebak
General legal Manager, Telecom Egypt

Feb 9 2015

Very enjoyable course which was explained well for all levels

Rebekkah O’Flaherty
Support Renewals Specialist , OpenText UK Ltd.

Oct 12 2015

Maybe less subjects. A lot is covered and not always time for a detailed explanation.

Piet-Hein Kruls
legal counsel, TomTom International BV.

Oct 1 2014

Speaker kept me engaged throughout - clearly extremely knowledgeable on the subject

Rachel MacRae
Contracts Administrator, Xodus Group

Oct 1 2014

Very well presented

Agnieszka Kozlowska
Administrative Officer, EBRD

Oct 1 2014

Very well balanced course in terms of both content and presentation - excellent

Shona Wildi
Contracts Engineer , Total E&P UK

Oct 1 2014

Effective on delivery

Efrem Prandoni
Legal Specialist, Pentair Thermal Management Netherlands B.V.

Oct 1 2014

Provides access to the secret 'draft' of industry leading expert, providing real added value and competitive advantage for practitioners lucky enough to commit the time to re-evaluate their business as usual practices.

Enrico Carpanini
The National Assembly for Wales

Oct 1 2014

Excellent. The way the content went into detail in places was idea. The presentation, style and attitude of the speaker were also excellent.

Gareth Howells
Legal Advisor, National Assembly for Wales

Feb 5 2014

I think that the knowledge gained during the course will definitely help in understanding English law contracts. Mark Weston is a natural orator!

Evgeny Yanike
head of department, PetroResurs LLC

Feb 5 2014

Notes could be in colour

Derek Melrose
Commercial Manager, Amalgamated Construction Ltd

Feb 5 2014

The course was challenging but manageable. The speaker was impressive!

Ciaran Hill
Contracts Engineer, Total E&P UK

Oct 1 2014

Mr. Weston was very knowledgeable and the fact that he is still working in the field added to his delivery

Leydanella Nicholson-Makasare
Deputy Chief Officer, Cayman Islands Government

Oct 1 2014

Good and in-depth course that's very useful in the course of dealing with contracts

Jorrit de Boer
Legal Counsel, Huisman Equipment B.V.

Oct 1 2014

A lot of content but good presentation, it was a little wordy but that is necessary with this course. Speaker was excellent, enthusiastic and engaging.

Charlotte Eastwood
Contracts Assistant , Seajacks UK Limited

Oct 1 2014

Engaging and delivered training at a good pace. Able to understand most aspects of training.

Vivianne Headlam
Advisor, EBRD

Feb 5 2014

Excellent, content backed up by relevant case law and personal knowledge and experience.

Peter Wykes
Group Purchasing Manager, LondonWaste Ltd

Feb 5 2014

Course - very good but fast paced overview of commercial contracts. Content - very good, speaker - Mark was excellent, very clear, concise and approachable for questions.

Catherine Clegg
Brewin Dolphin Ltd

Oct 22 2013

The course was very informative; even though the thought of fitting in so much content over 2 days was hard to believe, it encompassed everything and nothing was rushed through. Mark has the fantastic skill of speaking in a manner that maintains everyones focus and interest.

Victoria Marsh
Paralegal, Contract & Legal Dep., PSI CRO AG

Oct 22 2013

Fantastic - Mark was very enthusiastic and clearly knew his stuff. Thank you.

Laura Weakley
In-House Lawyer, Ageas (UK) Limited

Oct 22 2013

Great speaker great content

Béatrice MARTIN
MUREX International Luxembourg

Oct 22 2013

The course covers areas of mayor concern of lawyers dealing with contracts negotiation. It is presented in a clear manner. The speaker can keep attention, which is important.

Kristyna Pravdova
Legal Counsel, TMF Group B.V.

Oct 22 2013

The course was invaluable and the speaker was excellent

Lisa Nugent
Contracts Lawyer, Danske Bank

Oct 22 2013

The course content was highly relevant to my job and up to date, with cases from this year. The presentation was faultless. Mark's enthusiasm for the topics was infectious and with a huge amount of information to take in, it was this delivery that kept my attention from the first topic to the last.

Natalie Carless
Paralegal, London City Airport Ltd

Jun 10 2013

A course which opened my eyes to what was already on the page. Great.

Penny Bale
Solicitor, Somerset County Council

Jun 10 2013

Mark enabled me to see the practicalities in clauses I had been using everyday without thinking about. Brilliant.

Penny Bale
Solicitor, Somerset County Council

Jun 10 2013

I was satisfied

Natasa Sagernik
Contract Administrator, Nuklearna elektrarna Krsko d.o.o

Feb 6 2013

Course was very informative, I learned a lot.

Alison Gray
Strategy Evaluation Manager, Low Level Waste Repository

Feb 6 2013

Mark is an excellent presenter and a mind of knowledge

Craig Thomson
Graduate Engineer, Total E & P UK

Oct 22 2013

Marvellous and comprehensive

Najwa Abdel Azim Abdel Rahman
Director –Legal Affairs, Sudatel Group Company Sudan

Oct 22 2013

Very clear presentation. Not boring at all.

Helga Vanpoucke
Legal Manager, Transics International BVBA

Jun 10 2013

Very useful

Natasa Sagernik
Contract Administrator, Nuklearna elektrarna Krsko d.o.o

Feb 6 2013

Good overall

Alastair Friend
Allergy Therapeutics

Feb 6 2013

Excellent presenter. Clear slides and points. Real life examples.

Sejal Aghera
Legal Team- Trainee Solicitor, Top Right Group Limited

Feb 6 2013

This course should be extended to three days rather than two because it's too much to take it. However, every content of the course were important to my profession.

Jay Naido
Dematic Ltd

Feb 6 2013

Found the course very fast moving but I think that it was because of my lack of knowledge. Should have been more clear, contract knowledge is advisable before taking this course.

Maree Hernaman
Senior Procurement Administrator , TSYS International

Oct 17 2012

The speaker was extremely knowledgable and provided great examples to put what we was learning into context. The content of the course will definitely help me develop and feel more confident in my role.

Katie Hobson
Supply Contracts Paralegal, HSBC Holdings Plc

Oct 17 2012

A little too fast paced. Felt a bit like we skimmed through some of the topics.

Penny Raponi
Commercial Manager, INS

Oct 17 2012

Good to very good

Alicia Dominguez-Contreras

United Kingdom

  • -
  • 2buy2.com Ltd
  • ABB Limited
  • Admiral
  • Admiral Group Plc
  • Aetna Global Benefits UK Limited
  • Afton Chemical Limited
  • AGCO Limited
  • Ageas (UK) Limited
  • AGEAS (UK) Ltd
  • Akzonobel
  • Aldermore Bank
  • Allen & Overy LLP
  • Allergy Therapeutics
  • Almac Group LTD
  • Amalgamated Construction Ltd
  • Ascent Flight Training
  • Ascent Flight Training Ltd
  • Astellas Pharma Ltd
  • AstraZeneca
  • Atkins Global
  • AtkinsRéalis
  • Atlas Elektronik UK Ltd
  • Baillie Gifford
  • Baillie Gifford & Co
  • BDML Connect Limited
  • Beggars Group Limited
  • Benchmark Holdings PLC
  • Bibby Financial Services
  • Bio Products Laboratory
  • Biocatalysts Ltd
  • Birmingham Airport Ltd
  • Bluestones Group
  • Brewin Dolphin Ltd
  • Brother UK Ltd
  • Calor Gas Ltd
  • Cambridge Assessment
  • Cardiff University
  • China Construction Bank (London) Limited
  • Coca-Cola European Partners
  • Colt Technology Services
  • Cornish Lithium Ltd
  • Cunningham Lindsey International
  • Danske Bank
  • DAS Legal
  • DAS Legal Expense Insurance Co Ltd
  • DAS Legal Expenses Insurance
  • DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Co Ltd
  • Deloitte
  • Dematic Ltd
  • Diamond Resorts (Europe) Limited
  • EBRD
  • Ensono Limited
  • Equinix
  • Estee Lauder Companies
  • ETI
  • Evotec
  • Falko Regional Aircraft Limited
  • Financial Times Ltd
  • Four Pillars Hotels Ltd
  • FR Aviation Ltd
  • Freeline Therapeutics
  • Fresenius Medical Care Renal Services Ltd
  • g2 Energy Limited
  • GDF Suez Energy International
  • Genting Casinos UK
  • Genting Casinos UK Limited
  • Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd
  • GPC Computer Software Ltd
  • Groupon UK
  • Harbottle & Lewis LLP
  • Harland & Wolff (Belfast) Limited
  • Harry Suleman Solicitors Limited
  • Health Data Research UK
  • Herrington Carmichael LLP
  • Hiscox Underwriting Group Services Ltd
  • Hitachi Vantara Limited
  • HSBC Bank Plc
  • HSBC Holdings Plc
  • Icon Solutions
  • Inmarsat
  • INS
  • Insight UK
  • International Copyright Enterprise Services Limited
  • International Nuclear Services
  • Ipsos
  • ISS UK Ltd
  • J. Choo Limited
  • Johnson Matthey Plc
  • JPA International Limited
  • K3 BTG PLC
  • King's College London
  • L-3 Marine Systems UK
  • Lloyds Register
  • Lloyds Register EMEA
  • London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
  • London Borough of Croydon
  • London City Airport Ltd
  • London Pensions Fund Authority
  • LondonEnergy Ltd
  • LondonWaste Ecopark
  • LondonWaste Ltd
  • Low Level Waste Repository
  • Mark Creasey
  • Matthew Arnold & Baldwin LLP
  • MBNA Limited
  • MHR International UK Limited
  • na
  • National Assembly for Wales
  • NATS Ltd
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Occam
  • Open Text
  • OpenText UK Ltd
  • OpenText UK Ltd.
  • Petrofac Services Ltd
  • Pictons Solicitors LLP
  • Pitney Bowes Software Ltd
  • Premier Medical Group Ltd
  • Provident Financial Management Services Ltd
  • Prudential Health Services Ltd
  • PruHealth
  • Punch Taverns
  • Randstad UK Holding Limited
  • Raymond James Investment Services Ltd
  • RedEye
  • Reed in Partnership
  • Regulator of Social Housing
  • Rockwell Collins UK Limited
  • Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited
  • Santander
  • Screwfix Direct Ltd
  • Seajacks UK Limited
  • SGN
  • Siemens Healthineers
  • Somerset County Council
  • Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe Ltd
  • South Eastern
  • Southeastern
  • Sport England
  • SRK Consulting (UK) Ltd
  • Sue Ryder Care
  • SWARCO UK Limited
  • Syngenta
  • The Bristol Port Company
  • The National Assembly for Wales
  • The Really Useful Group
  • TMF Group B.V.
  • Tokio Marine Kiln Insurance Services Limited
  • Top Right Group Limited
  • Total E & P UK
  • Total E&P UK
  • Total Gas & Power Ltd
  • Trident Group
  • TSYS International
  • University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
  • University of Leicester
  • Velox Power Services 2
  • Xodus Group


  • Ajilon Finance & Administration B.V
  • Akzo Nobel Nederland B.V.
  • Booking.com
  • Entuli Law Firm
  • European Space Agency
  • Fokker Elmo
  • Huisman Equipment B.V.
  • InterXion HeadQuarters B.V.
  • Interxion Headquarters BV
  • Keppel Verolme B.V.
  • New Skies Satellites B.V.
  • Pentair Thermal Management Netherlands B.V.
  • Philips International B.V.
  • Philips People Services Center - Learning team N
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland
  • TIP Trailer Services Management B.V.
  • TMF Group B.V.
  • TomTom
  • TomTom International B.V.
  • TomTom International BV.
  • VimpelCom Amsterdam B.V.
  • Webfleet Solutions


  • Lotus Bakeries Corporate NV
  • Terumo-europe NV
  • Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA
  • Transics International BVBA
  • UCB S.A.
  • UCB SA
  • Volvo Construction Equipment


  • 3X Financement pour le compte d'ATR
  • Amadeus SAS
  • BNP Paribas Lease Group
  • Boston Scientific Inti SA
  • Dassault Aviation
  • Logitrade
  • Novacap SAS


  • Corporación Medichem, SL
  • Medichem
  • Spanish Law firm


  • Debiopharm International SA
  • Helsinn Healthcare SA
  • Nestlé Nespresso S.A.
  • Takeda Pharmaceuticals International GmbH
  • UEFA


  • A Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite Srl
  • Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche S.p.A.
  • ESA
  • Esaote S.p.A.


  • Bank of Finland
  • Fennia Mutual Insurance Company
  • Trimble Solutions Oy
  • Yara Suomi Oy


  • Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH
  • Shire Deutschland GmbH


  • Aspen Pharma Ireland
  • Aspen Pharma Ireland Limited
  • Danske Bank


  • Lafarge Africa Plc
  • Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd
  • Stanbic IBTC
  • The Shell Petroleum Development Co of Nigeria Ltd


  • DuPont Nutrition Biosciences ApS
  • Plesner Law Firm
  • Saxo Bank A/S


  • ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal, S.A


  • c/o The B&H Trust ABN 23494071578
  • Qatar Foundation
  • RasGas Company Limited


  • Boehringer-Ingelheim RCV GmbH & Co KG
  • Greentube Internet Entertainment Solutions GmbH

Cayman Islands

  • Cayman Islands Government
  • Ministry of PLAHI


  • Shell
  • Telecom Egypt


  • ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Luxembourg S.A
  • MUREX International Luxembourg


  • PPG Deco Polska Sp. z o.o
  • Synthos S.A.


  • LLC Syngenta
  • PetroResurs LLC


  • Cetis, graficne in dokumentacijske storitve, d.d.
  • Nuklearna elektrarna Krsko d.o.o


  • European Spallation Source ESS AB
  • Trelleborg Holding AB

Trinidad And Tobago

  • Adogwa & Co. Ltd
  • Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago Limited

United Arab Emirates

  • MBC FZ – LLC
  • The Legal Boutique


  • Bakcell LLC


  • Key Management Services Limited


  • LCBO


  • Remedica Ltd


  • Liberty Bank




  • Colt Technology Services


  • Eversheds


  • Group 4 Security Services Lebanon SAL


  • Tipico Co. Ltd.


  • Siemens AS



Papua New Guinea

  • Steamships Ltd

Saudi Arabia

  • NCB Capital


  • Ministry of Manpower

Sudan (the)

  • Sudatel Group Company Sudan


  • Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname NV


  • Turkıye Is Bankasi AS

United States of America

  • RailcarCo

Enrol or reserve

Run Drafting Commercial Contracts Live online/Classroom for your team

2 days

Typical duration

Pricing from:

  • GBP 800
  • Per attendee, based on 10 attendees
  • Course tailored to your requirements
  • At your choice of location, or online


We can customise this course to your requirements and deliver it on an in-house basis for any number of your staff or colleagues.

Contact our in-house training experts Aleksandra Beer and Yesim Nurko to discuss your requirements:

Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749
