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Managing Yourself and Your Team

In 4 hours this *Personal Improvement Course* will explain the theory, and provide practical advise on how to enhance your personal and team management skills

Self-paced online course »

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  • 9 Modules

Course overview

In just 4 hours you will gain a valuable overview of leadership theory, both classic and cutting-edge, practical advice and proven techniques on translating theory into practice – winning trust, inspiring and motivating your team, overcoming problems and tapping into creativity. Above all, you’ll learn more about yourself, your own leadership style and how to turn it to your advantage.

This training course is part of our collection of Leadership & Management Training Courses which focus on leadership, innovation, strategy, communication, finance, problem solving and conflict management, to name a few key areas.



  • Buy now for your team and invite them to participate at any time of your choosing
  • Available instantly to be taken on-line or printed off at your convenience
  • Model answers to confirm your understanding of the subject
  • Certificate of completion for your training records
  • Ideal for training new members of the team
  • Great for those requiring a quick refresher


Who should take this course

  • Managers who do not have the time to spend away from the office but who are looking to enhance their team leadership and personal management skills
  • Junior managers who require fast-track guidance to team leadership skills
  • Those who have recently made the step-up to a supervisory role

Take a guided tour

To find out how our unique Learning Management System delivers our on-line training programmes, and how easy to use and interactive they are, click HERE

Certificate of excellence

Participants are invited to undertake a final assessment in the form of an online multiple-choice paper. A pass rate of 80% and above is required to ensure that a high level of competency has been achieved within the subject area, where upon you will receive a ‘Certificate of Excellence’.

Enrol or try free

Course modules

1. Mastering yourself

  • Eight key activities to assist us in developing our skills portfolio
  • Getting balanced – how to start taking control and managing yourself and your true value

2. Mastering performance management

  • Overview
  • Influencing people
  • Classic influencing styles
  • What influencing styles do you use?
  • Learning to delegate effectively

3. Communicate and motivate

  • Overview
  • How to really listen
  • Listening and communicating to others – some basic rules
  • Applying classic questioning techniques
  • Understanding the impact of non-verbal communications

4. Effective coaching

  • Appraising your people

5. Tackling poor performers

  • How to deal with poor performers – overview
  • Managing poor performers – a quick route map
  • Agreeing performance targets
  • How to give negative feedback successfully
  • Receiving feedback

6. Feedback

  • The ten rules of feedback

7. Managing your team

  • An introduction to team performance
  • Team development
  • The Classic Team Development Cycle
  • How to start up a team building process
  • A strategy for day to day teamworking
  • Team working – processes
  • Recognising why teams fail
  • Understanding your team roles:
    • The company worker/implementor
    • The co-ordinator/chair
    • The shaper
    • The plant
    • The resource investigator
    • The monitor evaluator
    • The team worker
    • The completer finisher

8. Managing your time

  • Managing your time effectively
  • Action point
  • Managing your time more effectively

Mark Thomas
Performance Dynamics Management Consultants

Mark Thomas is a highly successful international business consultant and trainer who has worked with some of the world’s major businesses in the fields of strategy, change management, human resources and executive development. He is a highly experienced speaker and business presenter who has worked in over 40 different countries around the world. As a consultant he has successfully sold major consulting projects and development initiatives. In addition to his consulting work Mark has authored several books and is a regular conference speaker on strategy, change management, people management and other organisational issues. Prior to becoming a Partner with Performance Dynamics, he worked for several years with Price Waterhouse Management Consultants in London. He is also a visiting faculty member at leading international business schools. He also advised on the business and organisational change issues arising out of strategic reviews and both private and public sector re-organisations.

More details

Enrol on Managing Yourself and Your Team training

Complete course

  • GBP 49.00 +VAT
  • EUR 69.00 +VAT
  • USD 76.00 +VAT

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Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Distribute, monitor and customise this course for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749
