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Sharpening Your Commercial Awareness

In four hours this programme will enhance your commercial awareness and understanding whilst detailing best practice in your commercial dealings.

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  • 5 Modules

Course overview

In 4 hours of your time working through this Performance Improvement e-learning course you will supercharge your commercial awareness and performance.

Specially designed to impart what you ‘must’ know to make an enhanced contribution to the commercial goals of the department and organisation this course is ideal for new starts to the department, whole teams and for those who just want a fresher in commercial management best practice.


    • Exceptional value at £49/€69 a module
    • Buy now for your team and invite them to participate at any time of your choosing
    • Available instantly to be taken on-line or printed off at your convenience
    • Model answers to confirm your understanding of the subject
    • Certificate of completion for your training records
    • Ideal for training new members of the team
    • Great for those requiring a quick refresher

    Who should take this course

    • New starters to the organisation
    • Commercial and contract assistants and executives
    • Commercial and contract managers
    • Sales and marketing managers
      and also those from other non-commercial functions who want to contribute to the commercial success of the organisation.

    Take a guided tour

    To find out how our unique Learning Management System delivers our on-line training programmes, and how easy to use and interactive they are, click HERE

    Certificate of excellence

    Participants are invited to undertake a final assessment in the form of an online multiple-choice paper. A pass rate of 80% and above is required to ensure that a high level of competency has been achieved within the subject area, where upon you will receive a ‘Certificate of Excellence’.

    Enrol or try free

    Course modules

    1. Commercial awareness

    • Introduction
    • Profit
    • Cash
    • Order book
    • Intellectual property
    • Contracts
    • Business analyses

    2. Commercial relationships

    • Introduction
    • Competition law
    • Confidentiality
    • Suppliers and subcontractors
    • Purchasing, procurement, buying and outsourcing
    • Procurement – benefits and risks
    • Prime contractors and subcontractors
    • Partnerships and partnering
    • Consortia and joint venture companies
    • Preliminary agreements
    • Full agreement
    • Ancillary agreements
    • Multi-party agreements
    • Licences
    • It’s a ‘people thing’!

    3. Principles of commercial risk management

    • Taking a risk
    • Commercial risk management
    • The risk pendulum
    • Risk bearing, risk sharing
    • Partnership sourcing and partnership contracting
    • Approaches to partnership contracting
    • Exclusion clauses
    • Insurance
    • Customer characteristics
    • Company culture

    Tim Boyce

    Tim Boyce has been involved in contract management for over 20 years. He began his career in the Ministry of Defence holding executive positions in contracts, contracts policy and finance. His industrial career began at Plessey in 1980 after which he enjoyed appointments with Siemens, British Aerospace and as commercial director at BAE Systems. His functional responsibilities have included contracts, commercial, procurement, estimating, legal, project accounting and the implementation of the European Business Excellence Model.

    He is a former member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS). His committee work included the CIPS National Contracts Management Committee, the CBI Contracts panel, the CBI Defence Procurement Panel and the CBI/MoD working groups on partnering and incentive contracting. He was the CBI observer at the HM Treasury Central Unit on the Purchasing Working Group on incentivising industry. In 1997 he was invited by the Director General of the CBI to join the CBI Public Private Partnership Forum. He has lectured widely in the UK and the US.

    More details

    Enrol on Sharpening Your Commercial Awareness training

    Complete course

    • GBP 49.00 +VAT
    • EUR 69.00 +VAT
    • USD 76.00 +VAT

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    Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

    Distribute, monitor and customise this course for your staff and colleagues

    Aleksandra Beer

    Aleksandra BEER
    Training expert

    Yesim Nurko

    Yesim NURKO
    Training expert

    +44 (0)20 7749 4749
