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Management Forum

Managing The Modern Workplace: The Essentials On...Effective Communication and Negotiation Skills


By the end of the course, individuals will be prepared to confidently handle a wide range of communication and negotiation scenarios, driving successful and mutually beneficial results.

11 June 2025 »

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Part of Managing The Modern Workplace series:

An engaging FREE new series, covering a variety of essential topics such as business strategy, recruitment, communication, and employee-centred policies. These short, impactful sessions led by expert, Claire Mould, are designed to enhance skills in key areas like negotiation, leadership, and organisational culture.


This course equips participants with essential tools for successful communication and negotiation. It helps individuals identify effective strategies, understand the impact of their personal style and behaviour, and learn how to manage emotions and resolve conflicts to achieve better outcomes. Participants will also gain the ability to select the most appropriate methods for different issues and parties. By the end of the course, individuals will be prepared to confidently handle a wide range of communication and negotiation scenarios, driving successful and mutually beneficial results.

This training course is part of our collection of Leadership & Management Training Courses which focus on leadership, innovation, strategy, communication, finance, problem solving and conflict management, to name a few key areas.

Benefits of attending

  • Identify the key components of effective communication and negotiation
  • Optimise the significance of the direct correlation between successful negotiation and effective communication
  • Demonstrate the necessary communication skills that are key to success
  • Develop self-awareness and nurture emotionally intelligent teams, with individuals who will demonstrate their ability to control their own emotions and recognise others’ feelings
  • Establish the importance of empathy and emotional intelligence in effectively managing emotion and mitigating conflict in successful negotiations

Who should attend?

This session is relevant for existing leaders and managers, as well as those new or aspiring to a management role, who want to achieve greater success by enhancing their leadership skills through adopting a compassionate approach. 

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Claire Mould
Curve Strategic

With over thirty years’ experience of working in and with the public, corporate, and charitable sectors, Claire has expertise in providing strategic, analytical, emotionally intelligent solutions that engender, inform, facilitate and embed growth through compassionate leadership.

Extending from post-doctoral studies on neurology, specifically the link between emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence, Claire has written, presented, and worked at a national, European, and international level and has published several research papers and books.

In her previous time as a CEO of various charities, she has practical experience in the art of compassionate leadership and has developed a real passion for helping individuals and organisations to optimise their growth potential.

In addition to her work as a facilitator, delivering sessions and presenting, Claire also works as an independent consultant providing emotionally intelligent strategic solutions, embedding compassionate leadership and maximising growth.

In her spare time, Claire runs for mental health and wellbeing, including running marathons and ultra marathons.

More details

Register for Managing The Modern Workplace: The Essentials On...Effective Communication and Negotiation Skills

11 June 2025
12:00-13:00 UK (London)
13:00-14:00 Paris
07:00-08:00 New York


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Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749