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Presented by
Management Forum

The Role of Wellbeing in Individual and Organisational Growth Training Course

Drawing on neurological evidence, this course will examine the signs of declining wellbeing, and explain the related negative outcomes to the individual and the workplace.

18-19 November 2024 »
from £399

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Course overview

There is a significant increase in the number of individuals struggling, or completely unable, to function effectively due to a self-reported worsening of their mental health and wellbeing (including anxiety, stress and depression). It is therefore essential that we take the time to acknowledge the impact that this is having on individuals and the workplace. This costs British businesses an estimated £26 billion per annum. In addition, studies have revealed that 460,000 people transition from work to sickness and disability benefits a year, which costs employers £9 billion a year.

An individual’s wellbeing and the ‘culture of wellbeing’ in the organisation cannot be nurtured through light touch tokenistic gestures but through establishing a culture of active listening that extends from a position of wanting to understand how genuine support can be effectively provided. This includes not only listening to others but also to our own mental health and well-being needs.

This programme will discuss definitions of wellbeing, acknowledging that it has many different components. It will detail what each of these components are and the need to understand the symbiotic significance of each component. Drawing on neurological evidence the programme will examine the signs of declining Well Being, and explain the related negative outcomes to the individual and the workplace.

It will address ways in which this deterioration in individuals / organisations can be prevented and consider ways, with examples, in which overall wellness can be improved. Detailing why this is key to both personal and professional success, and individual and organisational growth.

This training course is part of our collection of Leadership & Management Training Courses which focus on leadership, innovation, strategy, communication, finance, problem solving and conflict management, to name a few key areas.

Benefits of attending

You will learn how to:

  • Identify staff learning and development needs in relation to mental health and wellbeing, and provide access to appropriate training
  • Build prevention and mental health and wellbeing promotion in day-to-day work, within the workplace
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues and other teams, to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness
  • Provide and promote healthier lifestyle choices within the workplace that will reduce absenteeism, enhance wellbeing and increase productivity
  • Establish and embed a psychologically safe environment and promote mental health in the workplace

Who should attend?

This course is relevant for existing leaders/managers, as well as those new or aspiring to a management role, who want to achieve greater success by enhancing their leadership skills through adopting a compassionate approach. 

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This course will cover:

What is wellbeing?

  • A neurological explanation for organisational performance and levels of productivity

Why is wellbeing important?

  • What does an organisation without a culture of wellbeing perform, in contrast to a workplace that has an embedded culture of wellbeing
  • Beyond stress in the workplace; explaining psych presenteeism and emotional exhaustion

Increasing the level of wellbeing in your organisation

  • Effectively identifying organisational and individual learning and development needs, and providing relevant, accessible learning and training opportunities

Reducing absenteeism, enhance well-being and increase productivity

  • Engaging individuals and teams
  • Establishing genuine collaborative work practice across the organisation

Identifying what a psychologically safe environment is, why it is fundamental to wellbeing and how it can be established

The benefits of providing a workplace culture of openness and transparency, and shared responsibility, ownership and pride of performance and productivity

Enrol or reserve

Claire Mould
Curve Strategic

With over thirty years’ experience of working in and with the public, corporate, and charitable sectors, Claire has expertise in providing strategic, analytical, emotionally intelligent solutions that engender, inform, facilitate and embed growth through compassionate leadership.

Extending from post-doctoral studies on neurology, specifically the link between emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence, Claire has written, presented, and worked at a national, European, and international level and has published several research papers and books.

In her previous time as a CEO of various charities, she has practical experience in the art of compassionate leadership and has developed a real passion for helping individuals and organisations to optimise their growth potential.

In addition to her work as a facilitator, delivering sessions and presenting, Claire also works as an independent consultant providing emotionally intelligent strategic solutions, embedding compassionate leadership and maximising growth.

In her spare time, Claire runs for mental health and wellbeing, including running marathons and ultra marathons.

More details

NEW higher discounts for multiple bookings - bring your colleagues to make your training budget go further:

  • 30% off the 2nd delegate*
  • 40% off the 3rd delegate*
  • 50% off the 4th delegate*

Please contact us for pricing if you are interested in booking 5 or more delegates

18-19 November 2024

Live online

13:30-17:00 UK (London) (UTC+00)
14:30-18:00 Paris (UTC+01)
08:30-12:00 New York (UTC-05)
Course code 13992

  • GBP 399 499
  • EUR 579 719
  • USD 663 819

Until 14 Oct

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* Early booking discounts may not be combined with other discounts or offers. As such, the discounts for 2nd/3rd/4th delegates are based on the full price; and apply only when booking multiple delegates on the same date.

Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749