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Contracts in the Oil and Gas Industry Training Course - Understanding and Drafting Oil and Gas Industry Contracts

An intense one-day programme focussing on the knowledge and skills needed to draft and negotiate contracts in the Oil and Gas Industry

29-30 October 2024
+ 7 February 2025, 13 June 2025, 14 October 2025 »

from £499

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Course overview

The accelerated pace of change in the oil and gas industry makes this one of the world’s most challenging and complex sectors in which to understand, draft and negotiate contracts.

This course will enhance your knowledge of the agreements commonly used in the upstream oil and gas industry, including joint operating agreements (JOAs) and alliances, which are crucial for the collaboration and efficient operation of oil and gas ventures. 

The expert trainer will take you through drafting agreements for offshore design, engineering and construction work, ensuring clarity and precision in contract terms to avoid potential legal pitfalls. 

The course also looks at the complex wording around force majeure and frustration in oil and gas contracts. It’s important to understand the implications of these two critical concepts that address unforeseen events impacting contract performance to effectively manage risks and responsibilities.

It’s also essential to get to grips with the best strategies for handling disputes in oil and gas contracts to maintain business continuity and protect interests in a highly competitive and regulated industry. The trainer will discuss latest tips and the pitfalls to look out for.

Understanding the differences between law and jurisdiction is also vital, as these determine the applicable legal framework and the venue for resolving disputes, respectively. This knowledge ensures that agreements are not only legally sound but also enforceable, providing a solid foundation for successful and sustainable oil and gas operations.

This intense one-day oil & gas industry training course focuses on understanding and drafting contracts related to this complex industry. It will serve as either an in-depth introduction for newcomers or a useful update/refresher for those with some experience in the industry.

This training course is part of our Commercial Contracts Training Course collection which has been designed for the in-house lawyer.

Benefits of attending

By attending this one-day training course you will:

  • Gain knowledge of agreements that are in common use in the upstream oil and gas industry
  • Learn about joint operating agreements and alliances
  • Understand how to draft agreements for offshore design, engineering and construction work
  • Master the complex wording around force majeure and frustration and its implications
  • Get to grips with how best to deal with disputes in oil and gas contracts
  • Understand the differences between law and jurisdiction

Who should attend?

This course will be of particular benefit to:

  • In-house lawyers
  • Procurement managers
  • Contract managers
  • Contract analysts
  • Contract engineers
  • Contractors and sub-contractors

Including those new to the industry and those looking for a refresher course.

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This course will cover:


Essentials of contract law

  • Contracts and Torts
  • Nature of contract law – liability is strict unlike in Tort
  • Certainty more important than fairness
  • Understand what you sign
  • Fundamental breach -v- breach of fundamental obligations

Two kinds of energy contract

  • Investor contracts: joint ventures and production sharing agreements
  • Construction and service contracts
  • Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements
  • Exclusivity agreements

Joint operating agreements and alliances

  • Relationship between the parties
    • Scope
    • Interest of the parties
    • The role of the Operator
    • Rights and duties of the Non-Operator
  • Risk allocation within JOA
    • Penalties for default

Drafting agreements for offshore design, engineering and construction work

  • Including EPC contracts (engineer procure construct)
  • Basic features of an EPC contract
  • Key oil and gas specific clauses
  • Key performance clauses
  • Performance guarantees & liquidated damages

Frustration and Force Majeure in the energy business

  • Dealing with the unexpected – covid, wars, price rises etc
  • Frustration is the common law doctrine but is very narrow so consider using FM clauses to increase your ability not to be bound by unexpected events
  • Wording is very important 

Dealing with disputes in oil and gas contracts

  • Choice of method
  • Litigation
  • Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • Expert determinations

Choice of jurisdiction

  • Contracts can be governed by the law and jurisdiction chosen by the parties
  • Difference between law and jurisdiction
  • Why English Law is the preferred jurisdiction for global commerce, including energy

Final questions

Enrol or reserve

Scott Styles
University of Aberdeen Law School

Scott C. Styles is senior lecturer at the University of Aberdeen Law School. He is Assistant Editor of Daintith and Willoughby, the leading book on UK oil and gas law. He has many years experience of teaching and researching oil and gas law, with a particular focus on regulatory matters and contracting.

More details

NEW higher discounts for multiple bookings - bring your colleagues to make your training budget go further:

  • 30% off the 2nd delegate*
  • 40% off the 3rd delegate*
  • 50% off the 4th delegate*

Please contact us for pricing if you are interested in booking 5 or more delegates

29-30 October 2024

Live online

13:30-17:00 UK (London) (UTC+00)
14:30-18:00 Paris (UTC+01)
09:30-13:00 New York (UTC-04)
Course code 13984

  • GBP 499 599
  • EUR 719 859
  • USD 823 979

Until 24 Sep

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

7 February 2025

Live online

09:30-17:00 UK (London) (UTC+00)
10:30-18:00 Paris (UTC+01)
04:30-12:00 New York (UTC-05)
Course code 14438

  • GBP 499 599
  • EUR 719 859
  • USD 823 979

Until 03 Jan

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

13 June 2025

Live online

09:30-17:00 UK (London) (UTC+01)
10:30-18:00 Paris (UTC+02)
04:30-12:00 New York (UTC-04)
Course code 14621

  • GBP 499 599
  • EUR 719 859
  • USD 823 979

Until 09 May

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

14 October 2025

Live online

09:30-17:00 UK (London) (UTC+01)
10:30-18:00 Paris (UTC+02)
04:30-12:00 New York (UTC-04)
Course code 14863

  • GBP 499 599
  • EUR 719 859
  • USD 823 979

Until 09 Sep

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

* Early booking discounts may not be combined with other discounts or offers. As such, the discounts for 2nd/3rd/4th delegates are based on the full price; and apply only when booking multiple delegates on the same date.


  • INPEX Idemitsu Norge


  • Vietsovpetro

Enrol or reserve

Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749
