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Presented by
Management Forum

Workplace Accident Management and Investigation - from emergency planning to the final report Training Course

This masterclass will equip you with the skills and knowledge required to successfully manage an accident scene and undertake accident investigations in a workplace environment.

17 October 2024
+ 23 January 2025, 9 May 2025, 11 September 2025 »

from £249

Need help?  Enrol or reserve

Course overview

It’s well known that an accident in the workplace may result in the company not only facing criminal proceedings but, if found guilty, a substantial fine as well. However, what is not so well known is the fact that the company may have to actively prove to the Court that they did all they reasonably could to avoid the accident.

A strategy of simply challenging whatever the HSE may allege in Court is tempting, but it may not be sufficient. Instead, the practical solution to this problem is for the company to conduct its own thorough accident investigation. In order to achieve this, it’s crucial that management always have somebody available to take charge of an accident scene in the immediate aftermath of an incident.

With this in mind, does the nominated manager understand what needs to be done and how to do it? If not, then crucial evidence may be lost from the accident scene and the company may be unable to defend itself adequately in Court.

This intensive masterclass will take you through the key steps of an investigation, from the best practice do's and don'ts, factors to consider for planning ahead, how to examine and document evidence, through to compiling the final report.

Don't wait until an accident happens, make sure you know how incidents should be managed before they occur, so you're fully prepared and know what to do.

This training course is part of our collection of Facilities Management Training Courses which offer a wide range of topics to help assist you in navigating potential risks in relation to fire safety, industrial accidents and all the vital aspects of facilities and property management.

Benefits of attending

By attending this course you will:

  • Understand why you need to prepare for an incident that hasn't yet hapened
  • Be aware of the importance of accident investigations and how they can help your business
  • Navigate the best techniques for examining an accident scene
  • Learn how to maintain the chain of evidence and to document evidence
  • Get to grips with how best to deal with witnesses
  • Master the skills for writing a factual report

Who should attend?

In short, everyone who has a responsibility for health & safety in the workplace, including:

  • Directors
  • Managers
  • HR personnel
  • H&S staff

and all those that are tasked with the H&S role of managing and investigating an accident in the workplace.

Even if the company plans to use a specialist investigator, someone in the business needs to know what the processes are so they can co-ordinate the accident scene, 'hold the fort' and preserve evidence until the specialist takes over.

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This course will cover:

Why do we need to investigate an accident at work?

  • The legal and best management practice considerations which need to be taken into account when an accident happens
  • The role of accident investigations as a means to stop such accidents happening again
  • The aim of an investigation: to establish what happened, not to apportion blame or punish anybody

The importance of planning ahead

  • Understand the benefits of planning ahead for the “worst case scenario”
  • Factors to consider within the accident response/ investigation plan:
    • Who will investigate, and how will you select them?
    • What training will they need?
    • What resources will they need?
    • How much management support will they need?

Examining the accident scene

  • Dealing with the inevitable disruption to the business
  • Maintaining the chain of evidence
  • Keeping good investigation records
  • Recording physical details of the scene

Documentary evidence

  • Examples of documentary evidence that might be of value
  • How to manage documentary evidence

Managing witnesses

  • The need to treat witnesses with consideration
  • When and how to interview witnesses
  • Focus on establishing the facts, not finding a culprit
  • Taking care when asking questions - tips and techniques
  • How to avoid some common pitfalls when obtaining a statement

Accident analysis - what to be aware of

  • Common accident causation models
  • Root cause analysis
    • What do we mean by the “root cause”?
    • A basic example of root cause analysis in action
  • Common problems to be aware of in accident analysis

Human error

  • Why it’s a mistake to attribute an accident to “human error”

The accident report

  • The importance of the accident report
  • Key considerations for writing an accident report
  • A suggested report structure
  • The need to deal only with facts, and not opinions

Summary and final questions

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Andy Farrall
Management & Safety Training Ltd

Andy Farrall FIIRSM, CMIOSH, MIIAI, MIoL, is a chartered safety consultant and qualified accident investigator who is not only a Fellow of the International Institute for Risk and Safety Management (among other professional accomplishments) but who is also accredited on the UK Occupational Safety and Health Consultants’ Register (OSHCR). He has a wide range of personal experience in fields as diverse as law enforcement (having worked as a specialist investigator with two élite law enforcement agencies, including dealing with complex international fraud); emergency services (including a project, commissioned by the Irish National Ambulance Service College, to develop specialist courses for their officers and paramedics); safety management consultancy; and health & safety training.

By drawing on this wealth of practical knowledge he has designed, and now presents, a series of very informative webinars on topics of real value to professional managers.

More details

NEW higher discounts for multiple bookings - bring your colleagues to make your training budget go further:

  • 30% off the 2nd delegate*
  • 40% off the 3rd delegate*
  • 50% off the 4th delegate*

Please contact us for pricing if you are interested in booking 5 or more delegates

17 October 2024

Live online

13:30-17:00 UK (London) (UTC+01)
14:30-18:00 Paris (UTC+02)
08:30-12:00 New York (UTC-04)
Course code 13972

  • GBP 249 299
  • EUR 359 429
  • USD 411 489

Until 12 Sep

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

23 January 2025

Live online

13:30-17:00 UK (London) (UTC+00)
14:30-18:00 Paris (UTC+01)
08:30-12:00 New York (UTC-05)
Course code 14452

  • GBP 249 299
  • EUR 359 429
  • USD 411 489

Until 19 Dec

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

9 May 2025

Live online

13:30-17:00 UK (London) (UTC+01)
14:30-18:00 Paris (UTC+02)
08:30-12:00 New York (UTC-04)
Course code 14648

  • GBP 249 299
  • EUR 359 429
  • USD 411 489

Until 04 Apr

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Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

11 September 2025

Live online

13:30-17:00 UK (London) (UTC+01)
14:30-18:00 Paris (UTC+02)
08:30-12:00 New York (UTC-04)
Course code 14814

  • GBP 249 299
  • EUR 359 429
  • USD 411 489

Until 07 Aug

View basket 

Not ready to book yet?

for 7 days, no obligation

* Early booking discounts may not be combined with other discounts or offers. As such, the discounts for 2nd/3rd/4th delegates are based on the full price; and apply only when booking multiple delegates on the same date.

United Kingdom

  • BNP Paribas
  • Carmarthenshire County Council
  • Metroline Travel

Enrol or reserve

Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749