Presented by
Management Forum
This event has been designed to give practical advice and guidance on how to successfully develop market approval in the EU. The programme will take participants through a step-by-step approach to the process and will also provide key guidance on how to maintain MA once achieved.
★★★★★ "Content was great. Presentation and speakers kept me engaged, so very good too. The Interactive Wor... more (21)"
13-14 May 2025
+ 6-7 November 2025 »
from £1299
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Demand for biologics in veterinary medicine is increasing. However, developing vaccines and successfully obtaining market authorisation brings its own complex and challenging issues.
This course has been designed to give practical advice and guidance on how to successfully develop a veterinary vaccine and achieve market approval in the EU, ensuring that participants gain a comprehensive insight into the necessary requirements.
The programme will take a step-by-step approach to the process and will include a workshop to help delegates gain a better understanding of the requirements in practice. There will be ample time for discussion throughout the two days with our expert faculty and fellow professionals.
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This course forms part of our selection of Animal Health training courses, designed to keep you up to date with the latest regulations surrounding veterinary medicines, animal feeds, and industry best practices.
This event will be beneficial to all those working with veterinary vaccines from development to market approval.
The programme will be of particular interest to:
Dr Mel Munro has worked as a consultant in veterinary medicinal product development and registration for over 20 years. She provides regulatory advice on all areas of biologicals product development taking client projects from proof of concept through to Marketing Authorisation (MA). On a day-to-day basis, she advises on regulatory strategy, performs technical due diligence and gap analyses and prepares strategic development plans and expert reports. She is also experienced in negotiation with the regulators and preparing regulatory documentation. Over her career she has been involved in numerous biologicals projects ranging from more ‘conventional’ vaccines to novel biologicals such as products of rDNA technology, GMO’s, monoclonal antibodies, DNA vaccines and gene therapy.
NEW higher discounts for multiple bookings - bring your colleagues to make your training budget go further:
Please contact us for pricing if you are interested in booking 5 or more delegates
13-14 May 2025
Live online
08:30-15:30 UK (London) (UTC+01)
09:30-16:30 Paris (UTC+02)
03:30-10:30 New York (UTC-04)
Course code 14574
Until 08 Apr
Not ready to book yet?
for 7 days, no obligation
6-7 November 2025
Live online
08:30-15:30 UK (London) (UTC+00)
09:30-16:30 Paris (UTC+01)
03:30-10:30 New York (UTC-05)
Course code 15303
Until 02 Oct
Not ready to book yet?
for 7 days, no obligation
* Early booking discounts may not be combined with other discounts or offers. As such, the discounts for 2nd/3rd/4th delegates are based on the full price; and apply only when booking multiple delegates on the same date.
Content was great.
Presentation and speakers kept me engaged, so very good too. The Interactive Workshop on Product Development was a very helpful exercise
Mar 11 2024
Lillian Sibanda
Assistant Director, Australian Pesticides And Veterinary Medicines Authority
Jul 10 2023
The presentations were clear and precise and a good source for information after the the training.
Gabriele Hoesch
Manager Quality Transfer, Launch & Projects, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH
Jul 10 2023
It was a very good training regarding all aspects: organisation, speakers, documents, timing. A lot and very useful information.
Yasmina Mallouk
Quality Assurance Auditor , Boehringer Ingelheim
Mar 17 2022
My intent was to get an overall picture of the lay out of a vaccine registration dossier, content and submission timelines. Thanks to the extensive course, I got a full and complete tool box.
Frédérique Cernicchiaro
Specialiste Pharmacovigilance Globale, Boehringer Ingelheim
Mar 17 2022
My intent was to get an overall picture of the lay out of a vaccine registration dossier, content and submission timelines. Thanks to the extensive course, I got a full and complete tool box... the webinar has been very enjoyable, informative. Congratulations to both speakers because It is not an easy exercise when addressing attendants through screens.
Frédérique Cernicchiaro
Specialiste Pharmacovigilance Globale, Boehringer Ingelheim
Mar 17 2022
I think it was especially helpful for the slightly advanced in these areas.
Ladislav Pazout
Production director, DYNTEC, spol. s r. o.
Mar 10 2020
The practical session was very useful, with suitable supporting material for reference, and feedback on interpretation of the monographs
Jonathan Welch
Development Manager (Vaccines), Benchmark Animal Health Ltd
Oct 16 2018
The course was really good, a lot of info packed into two days, but straight forward and logical. The course gave a good overview without going too much into specific details. The workshop was great and really helped a lot for understanding requirements better.
Sebastian Bubendorfer
Scientist, Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Research Center GmbH & Co. KG
Oct 16 2018
As you can imagine, the seminar content can be a bit arid for a scientist who is always dealing with lab experiments. Well, I was very surprised by how much the presenters had to share from their vast experience and made sure the course was not only presenting information. They were very dynamic, understood where the questions were coming from and always made sure we got our doubts clarified.
Rocío Leon-Kempis
Head of Bacteriology, Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Research Center GmbH & Co. KG
Apr 17 2018
The training was great, it fully met my expectations.
Louise Foster
Regulatory Manager, Semigator GmbH
Apr 17 2018
Interesting and useful.
Eleonora Bastino
Senior Associate Regulatory Affairs , Zoetis
Oct 16 2018
Good approach to obtain an overview about regulatory affairs. Clear presentations.
Begoña Garcia Monelos
Regulatory Affairs Technician, CZ Veterinaria, S.A.
Oct 18 2017
The speakers were very knowledgeable and provided pertinent suggestions and the course was well presented with a cohesive structure. Content was adequately addressed and explained.
Beverley Taylor
Senior Manager, Regulatory Affairs, Eco Animal Health Ltd
Apr 26 2017
Interesting training, useful for people not only from RA. Documentation complete and helpful.
Anna-Paola Colombo
Methods Process Improvement Specialist, Merial SAS
Apr 26 2017
The course was excellent in so far as it was tailored to individual needs and requirements. The materials provided are invaluable; they will help me with future projects. Overall a thoroughly enjoyable and useful training course.
Callum Scott
Vaccine Development Manager, Benchmark Animal Health Ltd
Apr 26 2017
I am satisfied!
Ágnes Bárdi
Registration Expert, Ceva - Phylaxia Veterinary Biologicals co. Ltd.
Apr 26 2017
Great course. Would recommend. I appreciate that it is narrowed down to veterinary vaccine development in the EU. Most other courses I have come across covers many RA topics at once but this was more targeted. Even so, there was plenty of material to go through and we could get a bit more in depth.
Matias Nilsson
Regulatory Affairs Specialist & QPPV, Salfarm Danmark A/S
Oct 19 2016
Very good and interesting.
Amandine Bibard
Merial Business
Oct 19 2016
Marie Lovoll
Research Director, VESO
Oct 19 2016
Very interesting presentations and workshop to have a global overview of EU requirements and procedures .
Charlène Ferrand
Global Regulatory Affairs Manager, Merial Business
Oct 19 2016
Very good opportunity.
Luciano Gobbi
Associate Director Regulatory Affairs, MSD Animal Health SRL
United Kingdom
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Czech Republic
Saudi Arabia
2 days
Typical duration
Pricing from:
We can customise this course to your requirements and deliver it on an in-house basis for any number of your staff or colleagues.
Contact our in-house training experts Aleksandra Beer and Yesim Nurko to discuss your requirements:
Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to: