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Strengthen your understanding of the legal obligations and responsibilities of the company secretarial administrator with this programme. Accredited for 18 CPD Hours
Company secretarial duties continue to grow. The seriousness of the role makes it essential to keep up-to-date with changes and new developments
Across six modules the Successful Company Secretarial Administration flexible distance, online learning programme gives practical, easily accessible advice on the role, responsibilities and legal obligations of the company secretary. The course - part of our portfolio of company secretary training courses - also provides a detailed analysis of a range of legislation such as the Companies Act 2006 which will allow you to further understand the legal implications which could impact upon current business activities.
This flexible distance and online training programme will provide answers to the following key questions and concerns:
It will take you through every aspect of the role and responsibilities from start to finish and ensure that you fully understand the full scope of the duties. This programme stands apart from the competition by dealing with a full range of difficult and potentially damaging issues, as well as the essentials of the company secretary’s responsibilities.
This is part of our series of Company Secretary training courses covering the essential skills and best practices for all company directors and company secretaries, as well as business leaders and entrepreneurs.
To find out how our unique Learning Management System delivers our on-line training programmes, and how easy to use and interactive they are, click HERE
Participants are invited to undertake a final assessment in the form of an online multiple-choice paper. A pass rate of 80% and above is required to ensure that a high level of competency has been achieved within the subject area, where upon you will receive a ‘Certificate of Excellence’.
As a Director and Secretary of one of the top 250 listed PLCs, for nearly ten years David Martin was responsible for a range of disciplines, including personnel, property and insurance, as well as statutory and legal requirements and corporate/internal communications (three of his annual reports won national awards).
Following a takeover, David founded his own consultancy, Buddenbrook, which has carried out various projects for a range of clients, large and small, for the last 30 years. He has been an employer’s representative on Employment Tribunals.Roger Mason is a Chartered Secretary and a Chartered Certified Accountant, and a highly experienced company director and company secretary. His career has included periods with the Ford Motor Company and ITC Entertainment Ltd, as well as 14 years as Financial Director and Company Secretary of a leading greetings card company.
Roger now presents seminars on company law, the duties of directors, the duties of company secretaries and on financial topics. He has written 16 books. His books for Thorogood include The Company Secretary’s Desktop Guide, 501 Questions and Answers for Company Directors and Company Secretaries and The Complete Guide to Debt Recovery.
Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to: