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Navigating Organisational Change: The People Aspect of Managing a Restructure In-house Training

This course will empower leaders to drive positive transformation in their business, whilst staying within the law.

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Course overview

Organisations need to change to keep apace with the environment in which they are operating. This constant demand for change affects the people which work within the organisation. The change could mean that your business needs to keep employees, but ask them to do something different. Alternatively, change could mean that fewer people are needed and the possibility of redundancies needs to be addressed. Another alternative is that a decision has been taken to sell part or all of the business, or change a service provider and hence a transfer of undertaking will apply.

All of these scenarios need managing professionally, legally and with sensitivity. This course will give you the knowledge and skills to approach your particular business situation with confidence and clarity.

Part one of this webinar focusses on variation of contract. Do you want the employee to do different work, work from a different location, work different hours…? The expert trainer will explore how to make the change lawfully.

Part two looks at how to manage a redundancy process. The trainer will start by defining what is legally meant by a redundancy, and then walk through the process from announcing the redundancy to parting company with the employees.

Part three tackles what is meant by a transfer of undertaking and how that process should be managed.

The trainer will use case studies to bring the subject to life and help embed the learning. there will also be time during the course for you to ask your specific questions. 

This training course is part of our collection of Leadership & Management Training Courses which focus on leadership, innovation, strategy, communication, finance, problem solving and conflict management, to name a few key areas.

Benefits of attending

By attending this course you will:

  • Get to grips with the process of varying a contract of employment
  • Be aware of the pitfalls that must be avoided when dealing with change
  • Understand the legal process for redundancy
  • Consider the operational aspects of a transfer of undertaking
  • Explore the soft skills needed for successful change management

Who should attend?

This course will be of particular benefit to all those who need the knowledge and skills to lead and support successful restructuring initiatives within a business, including:

  • People managers and department heads
  • Senior leaders and executives
  • HR professionals
  • Change managers

This course will cover:

How to vary a contract of employment

  • Consultation and fair process
  • Open communication and negotiation
  • Legal compliance and documentation

Walking through the redundancy process

  • Fair and objective selection criteria and consultation
  • Communicating the business rationale
  • Redundancy pay and employee support

How to manage a transfer of undertaking

  • Ensuring compliance with TUPE
  • Consultations and timelines
  • Operational aspects and integration planning

Change management, some of the soft skills to think about

  • Communication skills
  • Leadership and problem-solving skills
  • Empathy and emotional intelligence
  • Influencing, persuasion and conflict resolution skills

Communicating change to employees

  • Clarity and transparency
  • Timely and consistent messages
  • Regular updates and encouraging feedback

Kathy Daniels
Kathy Daniels Consulting Ltd

Professor Kathy Daniels retired from Aston University in the summer of 2024. Whilst at the University she held a number of managerial roles, latterly Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Engagement).  Prior to joining Aston University Kathy held a number of senior roles in HR in the manufacturing sector. Kathy runs her own consultancy, writing, talking and advising – primarily in the area of employment law. She has written a number of books, including a textbook on employment law soon to be in its seventh edition. She is a member of the Employment Tribunal, sitting in Birmingham.

More details

Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749
