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Successfully Managing Disciplinary and Dismissals Procedures for Line Managers In-house Training

Understand how to professionally, legally and sensitively manage disciplinary procedures and get to grips with the differences between fair and unfair dismissals.

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Course overview

Dismissing an employee is never pleasant, but unfortunately it is something that many managers will need to face at some time in their career. Are you up to date with the latest best practice and procedures?

It is essential to approach dismissals correctly and for managers to handle these sensitive issues professionally, legally and consistently to avoid a successful unfair dismissal claim.

For a dismissal to be fair there must be a fair procedure, a fair reason and the decision to dismiss must be within the range of reasonable responses. In this webinar we work through these three requirements.

The course explores what a fair procedure is and by referring to the Acas Code of Practice: Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures the expert trainer will explain what is required of the employer.

The programme then looks at the five potentially fair reasons for dismissal (we will not explore redundancy in detail in this webinar, given that it is a separate and specific procedure) and then ask what the ‘range of reasonable responses’ means.

Throughout the course the trainer will refer to cases that have come to the courts, looking at why they resulted in a fair or unfair dismissal decision. Referring to these real-life cases will help embed the learning.

There will also be plenty of time during the course to ask your questions of the expert trainer and get answers to your specific situations.

This training course is part of our collection of Leadership & Management Training Courses which focus on leadership, innovation, strategy, communication, finance, problem solving and conflict management, to name a few key areas.

Benefits of attending

By attending this event you will:

  • Understand what constitutes a fair dismissal process
  • Get to grips with the five potentially fair reasons for dismissal
  • Learn how to deal effectively with sickness and dismissal
  • Explore what might go wrong in the process and how to deal with it
  • Expand your knowledge of pre-termination negotiations
  • Consider your approach to settlement agreements


Who should attend?

This online workshop is for all people managers and professionals who have leadership responsibilities. It is designed for those who want to understand how to deal with disciplinary procedures successfully and acquire the knowledge to avoid unfair dismissal claims.

This course will cover:

A fair process for dismissal

  • Acas Code of Practice: Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
  • Suspension
  • Investigation
  • Disciplinary hearings
  • Soft skills that are needed

A fair reason for dismissal

  • Types of disciplinary issues
  • Progressive discipline
  • Supporting documentation
  • Grounds for dismissal
  • Types of dismissal

A decision that is within the range of reasonable responses

  • Employment law basics
  • Company policies
  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Assessing situations: consistency and fairness
  • Alternative solutions

Sickness and dismissal

  • Managing long term sickness
  • Managing short term sickness
  • Disability discrimination

Other forms of dismissal

  • Constructive dismissal
  • Wrongful dismissal
  • Automatically unfair dismissal
  • Summary dismissal

When to use pre-termination negotiations and settlement agreements

  • Pre-termination negotiations
  • Acas Early Conciliation
  • Settlement agreements

Kathy Daniels
Kathy Daniels Consulting Ltd

Professor Kathy Daniels retired from Aston University in the summer of 2024. Whilst at the University she held a number of managerial roles, latterly Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Engagement).  Prior to joining Aston University Kathy held a number of senior roles in HR in the manufacturing sector. Kathy runs her own consultancy, writing, talking and advising – primarily in the area of employment law. She has written a number of books, including a textbook on employment law soon to be in its seventh edition. She is a member of the Employment Tribunal, sitting in Birmingham.

More details

Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749
