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Sustainable Business Models in an increasingly risky and uncertain future In-house Training

This highly focussed day will give you the knowledge for your business to build structures and interactions that will protect and enable the organisation to become regenerative and sustainable.

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Course overview

What is changing in the results your business must deliver next year, in five or even ten years’ time, because of the imperative for sustainable and regenerative business? Are you aware of how the risks are changing? 

As a consequence of that, what is changing for you in your role; what different results must you deliver, what different risks will you face, and what must you do now to prepare?

It is clear that our global economy must become sustainable and regenerative; we must get to net zero, and then keep going to net positive, if we want a better future for our children, and for our older selves. We must do this faster than the degradation processes we have unleashed over the past century; we are already too slow in hitting the needed emissions peak, we must catch up and deliver a 43% emissions reduction by 2030 to have any hope. 

Business is the most powerful institution on the planet today, and so must and will take a leading role in rebuilding towards regeneration. This means every business will become regenerative, or it will have its Kodak moment and fade into irrelevance.

And to reach sustainability and beyond, every business must deliver the transformation at the right speed while maintaining business health throughout the transformation.

How? Having high, systemic (not transactional) trust between all stakeholders is the key to unlocking the transformation to a sustainable and regenerative business. Contracts can only deliver transactional trust. So what else is there?

Systemic trust between stakeholders is exactly what incorporation is designed to do. The modern corporation began when the East India company needed more capital than any one wealthy founding family could provide, and so a way was invented to externalise, into the system, trust between financial investors.

Regenerative, net positive businesses are only viable, anti-fragile, and capable of making the transformation at the speed required:

  1. when there is systemic trust between all stakeholders representing all six kinds of capital;
  2. when the work execution and role accountabilities adapt at the speed required;
  3. when inter-personal and inner-person interactions waste minimum energy by adapting to the changing context at the speed required.

The essence of a lawyer is building the structures and interactions that protect and enable the organisation, specifically around the agreements, and the essence of HR is building the structures and interactions around people. The CEO is the weaver that brings all this together for business results. All three have crucial roles to play across the three dimensions above.

Join the expert speaker at this event to find out the answers and get to grips with the way forward for you and your business. 

This course is part of our Commercial Management training courses series which aims to help individuals gain confidence in a range of areas surrounding contract law, and broader business management knowledge.

Benefits of attending

By attending this course you will:

  • Understand your business drivers and how these need to adapt to the new world
  • Learn what you can immediately change to increase your regenerative capacity
  • Expand your knowledge of the effect of an organisations physical and psychological energy on sustainability
  • Get to grips with expanding the arena of trust and creating a circular economy
  • Explore the concept of peak adaptive performance and how it relates to growing your business
  • Examine the qualities and practices of sustainable and regenerative businesses
  • Consider the business opportunities that a fairshares commons creates and how it can benefit you


Who should attend?

This course is a must-attend event for:

  • CEOs and board members
  • Company directors
  • Commercial and business development managers
  • In-house lawyers

And all those responsible for building a sustainable and regenerative business for a better world.

This course will cover:

Welcome and introduction

  • Setting out the plan for the course

Your business

  • What is the current purpose and essence of your business, and what were the business drivers that determined these?
  • What is changing in the business drivers, and how will these continue to change in the future?
  • What ought you begin changing now, so that you are viable when the future drivers have become the present drivers?

What is regenerative business? What does it mean for your business?

  • The six capitals
  • Which of these capitals does your organisation touch?
  • What is the role of trust?
  • Where are you already regenerative, and so what is the low-hanging fruit to immediately increase your regenerative capacity?

Organisations as living beings

  • Your organisation is a living system, one that has meaning making capacity. To lead your business well, it is necessary to understand your organisation’s energy economy, and therefore your own.
  • An organisation's physical and psychological energy, i.e its meaning making stories, is the primary capital you convert into results. It is a regenerative capital and will regenerate as long as you care for it well.
  • Two useful Lenses to use:
    1. the four integral quadrants Management Accounts vs Human capability
    2. the four layers we need to redesign

How adaptive is your organisation? Purpose and Drivers

  • What is the company / organisation and what is its purpose?
  • The big theme for regenerative business models to work is to expand the arena of trust and how the incorporated legal person (company) was invented as a way of creating trust into endeavours that not one person could legally fund
  • Expand the arena across all stakeholders and all periods of time to create a regenerative business and circular economy
  • At the human level: the agreements, the systems and interactions and the role in legal, as well as how the company is organised and interacts with others, how it is incorporated on systemic trust between stakeholders for the long term

Growing a regenerative business at Peak Adaptive Performance

  • Where is the safe zone, and where is the zone that can only be held up by the strengths of your values, and where is the zone of fragility
  • Personal and Interpersonal arenas

Regenerative organisations

  • Your organisation is its tasks / task and role arenas / requisite organisation design

Regenerative business ecosystems

  • Ergodicity: how big the business opportunity is if you have the level of systemic trust that a fairshares commons creates
  • Separating past from future / money from power / multiply all capitals and you have the beginnings of a regenerative business capable of making a circular economy work

Final questions

Graham Boyd

Graham Boyd, Founder & CEO Evolutesix, is CEO, serial entrepreneur, particle physicist, disruptive innovator and author of Rebuild. Graham has 15 years experience in adaptive organisation and adaptive leadership practice. He innovates and transforms business systems so as to create antifragile, regenerative businesses using his methodology. He also consults to multinationals and startups on harnessing conflict to drive their own regeneration. 

More details

Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749
