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Presented by
Management Forum

Sustainable Design and Manufacture for Medical Devices In-house Training

This seminar will give you an in-depth understanding of what sustainability options exist, what the benefits are, what drives them, and how to choose which will work for your company.

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Course overview

Sustainability in medical technology, as in all industries, is increasingly no longer an option. It’s not a question of “if” – it’s a question of “how”.  This seminar will give you an in depth understanding of what sustainability options exist, what the benefits are, what drives them and how to choose which will work for your company.  It will also provide practical advice on how to implement change. 

This course is of our range of Medical Devices training courses - now also including Medical Devices Cyber Security training to help improve your data security.

Benefits of attending

  • Gain an understanding of how sustainability objectives can be made to fit with YOUR organisation and what you should be aiming to achieve
  • Learn how to assess risk and develop a strategy that delivers worthwhile results in a realistic timeframe
  • Appreciate where to start, how to manage change and how to justify the investment by measuring improvements

Who should attend?

  • Medical industry leaders
  • Sustainability leaders
  • Product owners
  • Manufacturing managers
  • Design heads
  • Business development managers
  • Anyone interested in sustainable design and manufacture

This course will cover:


  • Focus: where does sustainable design and manufacture fit into the overall sustainability picture?
  • What are the drivers for sustainability in YOUR industry/organisation? What are the barriers?
  • What has your organisation done so far and why? Did it work? If not, why not?

Understanding how to move forward

  • Stakeholders in sustainable design and manufacture
  • Risks – organisational, technical, regulatory and market
  • Understanding the synergy between design, manufacture and remanufacture

Planning change

  • Appetite for change – selling the idea, getting stakeholders on board and assessing future market acceptance/demands
  • Understanding the benefits – how sustainability can add value to your organisation and your products
  • Sharing the vision and getting commitment/support
  • Understanding risk – acknowledging that this is new ground and identifying what you don’t know you don’t know
  • Planning phased implementation – disruptive change and how to manage it
  • Feasibility analysis – the answer to the question “should we adopt sustainable manufacture” - might be no!

Implementing change

  • Where to start – design, manufacture, remanufacture or all three?
  • How to "do" sustainable design. How have others done it? What can we learn? How suitable is it for medical?
  • How to implement a recovery and remanufacturing loop. What can we learn from other industries?
  • What external forces exist and how do we address them?
  • Where to find support and how to keep the regulators happy
  • Starting small and working up – balancing risk with manageable rates of progress and measuring success
  • Scaling up, managing expectations and finding the optimum rate of change
  • Making the financial case – how does sustainability pay for itself?

Q&A and key takeaways

Cormac O'Prey
Kestrel Consultancy Group

Cormac O'Prey is Principal and Director in the Kestrel Consultancy Group.

He has experience in effective Business Development, Project Management and Product Development, with proven innovation capability. As part of the Kestrel Consultancy Group Ltd., he works on technology and product development projects with a range of UK-based and multi-national client companies.

In his role as a BSi BS8887 committee member and project lead on the sustainable medical devices subcommittee, he contributes to steering international standards and best practice on design for manufacture, assembly, disassembly and end of life - vital for developing our capacity to respond to the demands of circular / spiral economy and optimise our resources in an increasingly unstable world!

His specialist capabilities include: Development of strategic partnerships with multiple international organisations including customers, manufacturers, users, financiers, and regulatory bodies; Product development in diverse industrial sectors including Smart Grid and Smart Metering, Medical Devices, Industrial, Consumer and other industries including project management, risk analysis, technical review, etc.

He has a special interest in technology transfer and innovation with a focus on sustainable design and manufacture, and lectures at ARU Cambridge in Global Busines Environment and International Strategy, and Engineering Design.

More details

Reviews of IPI's Sustainable Design and Manufacture for Medical Devices training course

The speaker was passionate and knowledgeable about his work. The content was good, although tailored more to the beginner in sustainability. The presentation was good, slides were manageable (not too wordy etc). The regulatory and case studies were interesting, as well as remanufacturing.

Jan 24 2023

Emily Lane
Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Renishaw plc

United Kingdom

  • Medtrade Products
  • Renishaw Neuro Solutions Ltd
  • Renishaw plc


  • Ypsomed AG

Multiple colleagues? See above for details of our discounts for 2, 3, or 4 delegates. For more, talk to one of our training experts to discuss how to:

Run this course conveniently and cost-effectively in-house for your staff and colleagues

Aleksandra Beer

Aleksandra BEER
Training expert

Yesim Nurko

Training expert

+44 (0)20 7749 4749