Ugesh Thakurpersad

Ugeshree is the Director and Founder of DevRani Consult, a socio- economic development consultancy advising multi-nationals on strategy, business transformation and sustainability.

Some of the recent projects that Ugeshree worked on includes the Developed the Enterprise development strategy for the Gauteng Premiers’ office under the Tshepo1Million jobs project, worked in partnership with Promethium Carbon to develop and rollout the National stakeholder engagement plan for the Carbon offset program, Conducted Sasol’s CSI baseline assessment study and Developed both Siemens and Siemens Healthineers Enterprise and Supplier development programs.

She was also the founding member of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and served as a Director for 3 consecutive years and is the Chairperson of the S’ya PhandaSya Phanda Trust (A Pepkor

Transformation Initiative.

One of her career highlights includes the development of the Tsitsikamma Community Wind farm in the Eastern Cape (95MW)

Training format


  • Recorded webcast

Making Sustainable Business Transformation Happen: Better Business, Better Tomorrow


Recorded webcast

FWF partner and CEO, founder of SusteneriGroup. Rudi Plettinx will explore the world of sustainable business and seek to cut through the fog of corporate hype and explore what really needs to happen to drive sustainability. Rudi will be joined by colleagues, Luc Garguet-Dupont & Ugeshree Thakurpersad Director and Founder of DevRani Consult.

  • Presented by Ugesh Thakurpersad