Luc Garguet-Duport

The Galileo of Your Transformation

Luc is a purpose-driven Business Transformation Bold Leader. He has more than 25 years experience in global and regional executive roles within cross-functional and cross-cultural organisations. Luc is also a Professional Business Coach.

Luc uses his passion and expertise in sustainability to support organisations integrate sustainable principles in their operations – from defining a roadmap aligned with the company’s objectives and culture to practical and efficient implementation.

Luc has a long successful track record in corporate strategy, tactical negotiation, purchasing and supply chain, complex program management, building resilience in program and risk management, effective global executive communication, team and external stakeholder engagement buy-in.

From investigating the company purpose to implementing strategies to “Make-it Happen”, Luc co-creates value added throughout process supported by ad-hoc facilitation & coaching (individual or in groups). 

Training format


  • Recorded webcast

Making Sustainable Business Transformation Happen: Better Business, Better Tomorrow


Recorded webcast

FWF partner and CEO, founder of SusteneriGroup. Rudi Plettinx will explore the world of sustainable business and seek to cut through the fog of corporate hype and explore what really needs to happen to drive sustainability. Rudi will be joined by colleagues, Luc Garguet-Dupont & Ugeshree Thakurpersad Director and Founder of DevRani Consult.

  • Presented by Luc Garguet-Duport