John E. Harrison

Professor John Harrison is an acknowledged cognition expert whose principal professional interest is in helping people understand, maintain, and enhance their cognitive skills. He is Chief Scientific Officer at Scottish Brain Sciences where he advises on the selection and successful integration of cognitive testing into therapeutic development programs. John is an Associate Professor with the AUmc Alzheimer Center and Visiting Professor at King’s College London. He holds Chartered Psychologist status and has authored/co-authored more than 100 books and scientific articles, including a popular neuroscience book ‘Synaesthesia: The Strangest Thing’. John’s wider professional activities include conference hosting, professional voiceover acting and podcasting.

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  • Next: 12 Sep 2024 Live online

Cognitive Testing in Clinical Drug Trials: Successful Test Selection and Integration

New for 2024

Live online

An an excellent opportunity to hear from a renowned cognition expert and gain a better understanding on the selection and successful integration of cognitive testing into therapeutic development programmes.

  • Presented by Professor John E. Harrison