Julian Clay

Julian Clay has a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology and Business. He was a top sales performer in Kodak’s Office Imaging division and progressed to become part of its senior management team. Since then he has worked with a number of different types and sizes of company (including multinationals) to help them achieve continued sales growth. His expertise lies in understanding the core sales challenges companies face and helping to increase sales in different, competitive markets. His roles have included sales process, development, coaching, training and interim sales management.

His interest in the psychology of selling encouraged him to become a software solutions provider. He developed the CRM application Forecastmanager, which is available on the Salesforce App Exchange. It helps users interpret subjective information to deliver more accurate and confident sales forecasts in order to improve sales performance.

He is the author of Successful Selling Solutions, Digital Marketing for Business Growth as well as the co-author of, Sales Strategy for Business Growth and The Mobile Boardroom (all Thorogood Publishing).

Training format


  • Self-paced

The Telecoms 'Mini-MBA' On-line Learning Programme


Focus on the essential practical skills, knowledge and techniques needed to be a high-performer in the field of telecommunications.

  • Julian Clay
  • Publication

The Sales Manager's Desktop Guide


Comprehensive and practical, this guide covers all aspects of the sales manager's role. With innovative ideas and written in a clear, practical style, it covers leadership, business planning, recruitment, sales models and tools, motivation, selling through dealers and channels. “Julian Clay knows what has made him successful and is able to transfer these skills to others.” Andrew Mills, Sales Dector, Portals

  • Julian Clay
  • Publication

Successful Selling Solutions


This book goes beyond mere sales techniques: using self-assessment models, it shows you how to monitor your progress in an actual sales project against where you need to be and includes templates, tables and exercises.

  • Julian Clay
  • Publication

Sales Strategy for Business Growth


If you are an owner, a director or you manage a sales team, this book will help you learn more about how to manage the sales operation of your business. It will make it easier to get first-class out of your sales people which will increase your company’s sales and profitability!

  • Julian Clay
  • Publication

The Mobile Boardroom


The Mobile Boardroom covers the challenges business owners and directors will face when they involved in Buying, Growing or Selling a company. Top tips on all aspects of the business cycle will take you through everything you need to know.

  • Julian Clay
  • Publication

Digital Marketing for Business Growth


This book covers the key areas of digital marketing that need to be addressed so that plans to achieve sales growth can be implemented successfully

  • Julian Clay